December 14, 2007

Curious George: Washington, DC Meetup on Tuesday the 18th of December?

I screwed this up in January, but I shall be back on Tuesday for Aimee Mann's Second Annual Christmas Show at the Birchmere. Meetup after? Before? During? Onstage?

  • I want a shoutout on a steel plate that has passed through at least Three (3) metal detectors. PLZKTHX.
  • I will shave a shoutout into a part of my body of your choosing.
  • Hells yeah! I believe the lovely Pallas Athena will be in town as well. ...uh, can you maybe do the shaving AFTER Pallas and I go home?
  • Greetings mortals, I may be able to attend, that is, if you're not too chicken. I will have to check with the mating unit first though in case of some previously scheduled holiday frivolity elsewhere.
  • I want a musical shoutout from kamus.
  • I want a shoutout from kamus that reads "Kubrick was a hack."
  • I want a shoutout from kamus that reads "Kubrick was a hack." *spontaneous and unexpected eruption of undigested food particles*
  • kamus, speedlime and pallas athena in one place? Holy crap. (Also bernockle!)
  • I always thought I was on the B-list, but was never really sure. Thanks for the confirmation, tracicle.
  • Heh. It was more the thought of a group of fine musicians that appealed. I think you'll be in good company, but I'm quite sure that if you pack a case of owl semen you'll be the belle of the ball. Also, please don't do my shoutout in owl semen, not after that last time...
  • Speaking from experience, bernockle, the B-list isn't a bad place to be. It's much easier to impress. Sorta like a dog walking upright. One doesn't question the quality of the walking, but that it can be done at all.
  • That sounds great. I suppose the best time for me would be sometime around ten or so. The best place for me would be...somewhere in DC? I don't really know my way around there, but I can certainly find somewhere if I need to.
  • And when you lot take over the gummint, I expect a kickass new national anthem.
  • Hmmm. Ten or so, somewhere in DC... How about Kramerbooks and Afterwords cafĂ© in Dupont Circle? It's right by the Metro. On the other hand, if anyone can think of somewhere with a piano...
  • You have got to be kidding me. (warning: sound/flash) Wow. that was the first link on teh Googlez.
  • Muy caliente!
  • Kramerbooks sounds perfect. My cellphone is 549-916-6320, in alphabetical order.
  • w00t. Is Kramer's OK for the rest of you guys? kamus? Speedy?
  • My status is still listed as "unclear"- still hoping.
  • fingers crossed for le kamus. (we could meet earlier if you're free-- that way the party would be in full swing for bernockle to make his entrance.)
  • I'll either be coming late or not at all- trying to squirm out of something- sigh. I won't know until tomorrow. I wouldn't want to miss the Bernockle entrance though, what with all the ugliness last year. BTW, Kramerbooks is fine- my old stompin' grounds.
  • i can't believe you're not going to the piano banana bar.
  • Fucking A-listers. Banana piano bars not good enough for them. Burger King would do for me.
  • Arghh. It seems I have to occupy the Throne of Shame recently vacated by Bernockle, a distinction earned for his deplorable no-show last year. Pressing family commitments rendered my appearance this year an impossible task. I fully expect and deserve a shoutdown from the loyal assembled. Whatever they're doing, they're having a better time than me. I'm also conveniently avoiding having to say "Kubrick is a hack"
  • Pallas Athena and Speedlime are two of the sweetest, most interesting people I have met in some time. My wife and I greatly enjoyed their company and came to the realization that we are complete losers after hearing about their lives. kamus, to his credit, phoned in both an apology and and an excuse -- clearly elevating his no-show into a much classier level than my own. There are numerous photos and shoutouts. They shall be presented in their entirety tomorrow. Again, my sincerest thanks to the two mentioned above for being such wonderful hostesses.
  • Aw.
  • He wants something.
  • I hearby commission TUM to provide us with a visual of the Throne of Shame.
  • Oh, wait till you see the visuals Bernockle came up with for the shout-outs! I, myself, feel quite inadequate in the face of his genius. It was wonderful to meet Mr. Owl Semen and his lovely wife in person-- thanks for a great evening!
  • And I am sure she enjoys being referred to as Mrs. Owl Semen.
  • Here I sit on my lonely perch contemplating what might have been
  • *sigh* o kamus... so near and yet so far... But a splendid time was had amongst the merry company of a Lime, two Nockles and me. Shoutouts are works of GENIUS thanks to the shiny lens and quick fingers of Mrs Bernockle. Look on her works ye Mighty, and despair!
  • I don't see no shoutouts.
  • Bookstore shoutouts. What a fucking awesome idea! Also I like your hat bernockle. Why no pix of Mrs. bernockle?
  • I love my shoutout. Makes me feel gay.
  • THOSE ARE THE BEST SHOUTOUTS EVAR!!!!!!!!!! I am still laughing! thanks for mine :)
  • So I'm...ah...guessing no home improvement books at that bookstore, huh? *cough* Have to...have to check that place out maybe. You know, if I'm ever in. Town. Someday. *puts hands in pockets*
  • I actually tried to do a Batman-related shoutout a couple hours ago, but I couldn't find my copy of The Dark Knight Returns. Of course, my house would not quite have resembled the bookstore. I am a failure. middleclasstool was the one person I had wanted to do a shoutout for because he is the only person from Monkeyfilter I have ever successfully had cybersex with.
  • Why no pix of Mrs. bernockle? She chose not to be photographed. I blame it on a bad paparazzi experience she had while in the womb.
  • I put on my wizard hat. I meditate to regain my mana, before casting Lvl. 8 Cock of the Infinite.
  • I have no idea what you just did, but I just heard my wife orgasm from upstairs.
  • MCT, I am so sorry, my dear! Speedlime and I will construct your own personal shoutout using Speedy's cordless drill (a middle-class-tool if ever there was one.)
  • ELEVENTY!!!!11!!!! I have actually read that book too. Thanks guys. You've all just moved to the top of my to 'do' list.
  • *cries*
  • Throne of shame, eh? I used to have a cute picture of Rik Mayall drinking tea on the toilet, but danged if I can find it now. Off to check the shootouts...
  • L I T E R A R Y S H O U T O U T S ! You guys are totally amazing, as is Bernockle's Bing Crosby hat.
  • yes I said yes I will Yes.
  • I felt sure my shoutout was going to be 'Waiting for Godot". Thanks for thinking of me anyway.
  • For teh win! Best shoutouts ever. Big hugs to you all!
  • I have actually read that book too. I'm not even taking note of our life parallels anymore. Probably a good thing you couldn't be arsed to come to the London meetup. Probably start the universe collapsing on itself or something.
  • If anyone's still in town on saturday, I'll be performing at Twin's Jazz club on U street with ace saxologist Marty Nau.
  • Hey Cappy! Where am I poking now?
  • Easy. I know where that finger's been.
  • *sniffs*
  • Stop it, you two, that's NAUGHTY! And apologetic bananas to MCT and gomi and anyone else we might have left out! All I can say in our defense is that it was getting towards midnight in a loud cafe and I know *I* certainly wasn't particularly compos mentis.
  • Truly, I must rePete, those were the Best shoutouts! Ha ha! Did you see what I did there?! I talked about me! Ahh, that's the stuff. Good times, good times. Ta very much, though. Also, thanks for reminding me of books I'd like to read or at least purchase and throw on the pile.
  • Actually, I was pushing toward doing shoutouts for mct and for gomi, but speedlime and Pallas Athena were all like, "No, we have fifteen. Fifteen is a good number. It has biblical significance. Why don't you just shut your mouth, owl-boy?" I tried. Really. I am not naming names, but it was speedlime's and Pallas Athena's fault.
  • I am really enjoying this "oh, yeah, my wife was there!" line of Bernocklian bullshit. Oh, sure. You go to a meetup with two hot mofi babes, you bring your wife along, and then you just "accidentally" do not include her in any of the photos. bet she's not in the video, either.
  • /rushes off to YouTube
  • Awesome! Did the book store people ask you what you were doing fondling their merchandise and photographing it? If so, that only makes them better.
  • We did get some funny looks, but I think the people at Kramerbooks are pretty used to weirdos. I was actually kinda disappointed that no one took more notice! Also I am sticking my tongue out at Bernockle but you can't see it.
  • kamus-- how late does the gig go? I'm having dinner with a friend but might try to drop in afterwards.
  • It's 9PM-1AM. I may be able to get you in as a guest but I won't know for sure until I get to the gig. Hope you can make it!
  • Argh, bugger. I missed your post AND missed the gig. I suck! Any other performances before the 29th (when I leave town?)
  • Nope, sorry. It's too bad you didn't get down because you missed the club's annual $100 giveaway to foreign visitors night and the free all-you-can-drink-champagne but apart from that, it was just another average night of genre-defying, crowd pleasing, majestic musical mastery, so no big loss, really.
  • I just love having my genre defied.
  • *realises that life will be forever meaningless hereafter* *weeps silently into beer*
  • Thanks for the shoutout! And Happy New Year. I've always wanted to play Yorick.