December 11, 2007
How to pose.
Not much else to say really. I'll let you monkeys do the clever commentary on this one.
Shenanigans! the book cover is Photoshopped.
Seems simple, it isn't. You have to be a rocket scientist.
Poseur, poser.
This one doesn't even need a title.
courtesy Elvis Enterprises
It struck me today that Fes hasn't been around for a while, and when I went to the listing for his last post, it took me here. strange?
He's in Iowa Fes is really Mike Huckabee
Huckabee WISHES he was as stylish as our Fes!
What a strange site, thank you (I think) xenmate.
Interesting images on that 'The construction of the WTC' link, there.
It's a Dr. Suess book for some reason.
The New Shelton Wet/Dry (the source of this) is a daily read for me. Quite weird, often NSFW, always funny.