December 05, 2007

Human hair + mushrooms + tanker oil = beautiful roadside landscaping. Buh? (Via.)
  • Goddamn hippies.
  • This proves my theory that all the world's ills can be cured by my pubes.
  • No, sorry, mct, that is still only a theory, and is quite seriously refuted by the Theory of Intelligent Pubery.
  • Using all the parts of the pig, huh?
  • Does this mean that if I put oil and mushrooms on my scalp, the hair will return?
  • Or that I will be a featured appetizer at the Olive Garden?
  • No, but apparently putting mushrooms in your hair will make your scalp less oily. I'm glad somebody finally found a practical use for those fungal atrocities. (Mushrooms, not your hair)
  • blasphemy!
  • There's oil in them thar shrooms!
  • *ponders a future of fungal toupees*
  • That is really cool.
  • Puts the "fun" in fungal.
  • Just when you've reached that despairing but comfortable place where you've given up entirely on the human race and all its works, someone will come along and get your hopes up again. Bastards.
  • What Abiezer said... ah, what's the use?
  • *ponders a future of fungal toupees* Puts the "fun" in fungal. As long as it douesn't put the "pee" in toupee.
  • no, TUM, that's someone else's job....
  • hey! I resemble that remark ;)
  • *stands up* Ahem. *waits for everyone's attention* ... Pubes. *bows, sits down, takes sip of water*
  • I guess you'd call that a PUBIC ADDRESS!!!!! /knee slap
  • I mentioned this article to my hairdresser today and she said she always saves the hair and takes it home to compost. That's...weird. But cool. Mostly weird.
  • That wasn't water, mct.
  • I had asparagus with dinner last night :D
  • Actually, if you scatter human hair around your garden, you can keep deer and other animals out. Not quite 100% effective, but does work somewhat. peeing around the circumference to mark your territory helps, too Or you could burn it for that refreshing crematorium-on-a-Saturday smell.
  • Excuse me, I need to go out to the garden. Haven't been in touch with the family for a while. Beats sending letters.
  • if you scatter human hair around your garden, you can keep deer and other animals out But then you have to deal with those pesky FBI agents that keep showing up to ask questions.