November 29, 2007
You cannot force people to follow directions they deem arbitrary.
"Force, no matter how concealed, begets resistance." - Lakota Proverb
As a Lakota friend remarked, "Then we know it's not in Texas!"
I think not!
A very round-about way to show disobedience.
You see resistance and disobedience, I see poor design of an entry barrier.
Yes, because if they only added some barbed wire fences and some watchtowers it would be so much more efficient.
Dumb question -- do we know the gate works?
Yeah, it was. :P
Breakin' the law, breakin' the law!
For example: You run a red light, and hear the whine of authority on your tail. You... 1. Pull over and perhaps need to pay a fine to absolve your sin if your excuse is more pathetic than that of the last miscreant. b) Test the ability of your penile extension to outrun all the cops in the vicinity, a chase helicopter, several spike strips and a nagging feeling there might be a third option. III. There is no third option.
We have a new document control system in place at work, and I think this photo sums up what it's fate will be. PAVE THE COW PATHS
Third option: Flirt with the cop Anyone else have trouble loading the linked page?
You guys broke it, didn't you? We can't have nice things!
Dammit! If you'd just follow the directions, it wouldn't be BROKEN!
The guy whose web site is linked to says he works with a large range of clients including both big brands and small individuals. What's the story there? Tall people's money is too good for him or something?
Not only that, but while it was the big brands that popularized American jazz, it was the trrios and qurartets that allowed improvisation to flourish.
Illegitimi Non Carborundum
all those clients roaming on a large range...
You can't force pirates to follow a code they deem arrrrrbitrary.
Hee hee! Pirates!
Fuck that.
Don’t get mad - there’s always another way - get even!!