March 17, 2004

New Words and Phrases to mend! The Wordspy is dedicated to lexpionage or "the sleuthing of new words and phrases", and is a must for word freaks, writers, and those who relish the byways and new coinages of the English language. via Michael Quinion's World Wide Words newsletter, which also comes highly recommended.
  • this is a fun link- good find!
  • What? no skeet skeet skeet?
  • Well, Mamma don't 'low no skeet shooting on the premises. And Mamma don't 'low no skat singing, either, it would seem, forky, alas.
  • Ah, beeswacky Once again, you make me swoon! Great link
  • It's not complete: "igry" is missing.
  • I've been on the mailing list for about nine months now. New words get sent out Tues. through Fri.
  • broccoflower (BRAWK.uh.flow.ur) n. A cross between broccoli and cauliflower. Also: brocco-flower. Now that's what I call a Frankenstein vegetable.
  • This is wonderful! Thanks beeswacky.
  • Michael Quinion of World Wide Word fame, is now doing a column for The Telegraoh. And one of the items in the first one is "How the Bee Got His Knees". Heh. Via woods lot