November 08, 2007
Awesome. Now find me an emulator.
You can get some of them to work in Mame, at least Here is the rom for Konek Gurbonok, which looks brilliant
What's that weird Russian character on the top left of the this pic? It looks like "vash udar" or "vash ular". I guess I'm not any good at deciphering Soviet VIC-20 type fonts. Nice gallery.
Awesome, dng, I didn't think for a second anyone would be able to find a rom.
In Soviet Russia, arcade games play you. (come on guys, it was an easy one)
In America, you play Tron inside the arcade. In Soviet Russia, the arcade plays Tron inside you. OK, weak as hell, but I like it.
Oh, Sloot, look what you've started.
What's that weird Russian character on the top left of the this pic? It looks like VASH UDAR to me. I think it means something like 'your hit' (ie. it is your turn to hit the ball).