October 29, 2007
The Endicott Studio
is dedicated to the support and creation of mythic arts. Their online journal explores myth, folklore, fairy tales, and their use in modern art. Their blog presents news, musings, and reviews on arts that have been inspired by mythic themes, and has recently been counting down to Halloween with tales, poems, art, and photography based on the mythos associated with the approaching day.
The Batty Chronicles: Excerpts and Correspondence of the Late Madam Harriet Batty. Erik Seims finds himself editing and publishing the papers of Madam Batty (1874-1977), giving "an invaluable historic guide through a century of life in New York City, from the point of view of somebody who was absolutely batshit crazy." Brains. The title of every post (as you might expect) in Zombie Eat Brains, the musings of one of the living dead.
*bookmarks everything* Yet another beautiful post, thank you Christophine!
I gotta tell you: the Gothtoberfest post-a-thon has been wonderful!
Where is this Starbucks with free wi-fi??