October 15, 2007

Indexed. Graphs, Venn diagrams, and charts of everything important in life. On index cards. Just look at it. [via 43 Folders]
  • These kind of hurt my head because they're not constructed well. Like the procrastination = maggots card. My brain reads, "as Has Clean Forks decreases the number of dishes in sink with time, has flies increases the dishes in the sink with time." But it's a cool concept, nonetheless.
  • I still do not really understand the first one. If I do understand it, then it is monumentally pointless. Luckily, however, I ventured on and looked at more of them. Rather enjoyable, I must say.
  • I think it's saying that if a girl wears a miniskirt, she's asking for it.
  • These are great. My advice is: If it doesn't make sense, go on to the next one. (You're thinking too hard about it.)