October 12, 2007

"There could be some benefit to millions of years without sex after all" Comforting news from the world of microfauna.
  • bdelloid rotifer seems like a good candidate for sending off into space.
  • Just to say what a far-better researched and presented post this is than some of the stuff we get on here these days. Keep it up, Abiezer! But I'm still not coming back as a bdelloid rotifer when I get reincarnated.
  • /makes joke about lack of sexlife
  • Arf.
  • Rotifers - hot or not?
  • "With beating cilia..." Oh, yes! Yes! Be still, my beating cilia!
  • Also, be warned that Plegmund's link "shows all the internal organs." He's a one-man smut-peddling machine!
  • Sorry - NSFW if your boss is pseudocoelomate.
  • Fascinating article. Masturbatory material for my sea monkeys!
  • pfffft! You think this is so great? I could have front page posted Ralph if you wanted more info on crappy sex lives.
  • ROTFLers!