September 22, 2007
Another reason why Cats are awesome:
they kill and eat Scorpions. Yum Yum.
I gotta get me a cat. You gotta have a cat.
Are scorpions common in Australia? Even if not, however, I agree that many of us have to have a cat.
yuch! I don't mind watching the cat clobber the scorp--which is pretty cool--but I don't want to see him eat it. My cat catches flies. and that's OK!
Cats destroy Scorpions? Then FUCK CATS.
Good Kitty! And I'm a particular fan of the brown tabby variety.
I've just been watching a sweet little animated film about cats. Does start with a "this film may disturb" warning. No idea why. You would have to be unusually sensitive to the sight of naughty cartoon cats to get upset. I suspect some sort of chihuahua conspiracy.
That was one lucky cat. Vicious killers, the lot of 'em. Cute, vicious killers.
Don't the scorpions sting the cats? And don't they have poison in their stinger thingies that the cats shouldn't eat? Sam catches flies. Hank, get a cat.
"In the United States, only 4 deaths in 11 years have occurred as a result of scorpion stings...Out of 1500 scorpion species, 50 are dangerous to humans." Fuckin' pussies.
Cats seem to have some instinctive programming against poisonous or dangerous pointy sharp things on animals. I've seen house cats that have never encountered a snake, JUMP up straight straight up in the air when encountering a hose or other long snake-like thing in the grass. The cat in this footage doesn't eat the stinger. He pats at the scorpion until it 'breaks' then eats the fleshy body, but seems to ignore the stinger. My Poor Cat (now deified) used to leave rat heads on the doorstep. Just the heads. Used to eat the whole rest of the thing. GOOD CAT.
My dear departed Millie used to bring half-dead snakes in throught the cat flap. Had to get rid of the flap.
My cat (his name is "cat") is fucking useless and a big jessie to boot. And yet I love and feed him.
He says the same of me.
Well, it's cos his name is lame, he's protesting. You HAVE to give cats a proper name. It's part of the whole dealio. The naming of cats is a difficult matter, it isn't just one of your holiday games. You may think at first I'm as mad as a hatter, when I tell you that cats must have THREE DIFFERENT NAMES. You great sook. :P
"Hank, get a cat." I need 800 bucks, and I just b0rked myself buying engagement presents for a relative.
Well, you could get a shelter cat now to break the house in for the Maine Coon to come. Then they'd both have a playmate.
cats must have THREE DIFFERENT NAMES At least. I think ours has about 10 names.
Cats destroy ducks too.
I need 800 bucks $800?! Why so much?
'cause he's a racist.
HE GOTS A CHIKKIN!* * in the case of cute pictures of kitties with birds, "chikkin" refers to any fowl, and not necessarily a specimen of Gallus gallus.
I have asked the cat if he wants a name. He looked at me funny and then stalked off. I'm taking that as a no.
Hommy, He has something BIG in mind. He's buying the cat to end all cats. The last cat he had to wait to deify. This new cat we will come pre-deeed. THIS WILL BE THE CAT OVERLORD. We will all bow before him. Hank will sit at his right hand and be the Holy Annointed Catbox Steward. If you RTFC above, you will notice that Hank has proclaimed this will be The Main Cat. And the CHIKKIN will be the Ambassador to all of Mankind.
Just a little something for Hank and all you cat luvers: The Zen Cat Box
fish tick, your kitten is the ubersqwee! You must stop posting pictures of it unless you want me to explode.
Great bird-cat action shot Hank! And fish tick's kitten is somewhere out there in the squee stratosphere. Got one question, though: Hank, where'd you get the appellation "sook"? Folks living in the Chesapeake use the term to describe female blue crab and I can't say I've heard it used much elsewhere. Inquiring minds, etc. Meanwhile: "A home without a cat--and a well-fed, well-petted and properly revered cat--may be a perfect home, perhaps, but how can it prove title?" - Pudd'nhead Wilson (Mark Twain)
I always think that when my girls eat a spider or a fly etc, it must be the cat equivalent of an Everton Mint. Crunchy on the outside, chewy on the inside. I always join in with an encouraging 'nom nom nom'.
I love you TUM. In a mostly un-gay way.
*is aroused*
Pics plz. Kthnx.
You know the pics will just be victorian-era line drawings anyway.
*shows a little ankle*
The Cat Diaries
Loved the zen litter box!
Ah, thank you Lara. *puts hands together, bows, picks up cat scoop
Oolong Cat
Note to commenters: first person to slap a LOLCat caption on this image gets sodomized with a spork. First comment: Somehow, I doubt your threats of spork-based sodomy can dissuade all. Posting a picture of a cute cat doing something amusing and demanding that the barbarian tribes of the internet not convert it into a LOLCat is like placing a rotting carcass on a picnic table and commanding all the flies of the world to leave it alone. Ahh, simile. It can be used for good… or evil. Well, that can't be improved on. I'll say no more.
Hostile much? (Not you, GramMa. The poster of that picture.)
That was a nice simile.
Well, it made me simile. *goes away ahppy
What Cats Know About War
“Well then,” he said, his face breaking into a sad smile, “what I want to ask is this: This proposal you make, is it for four legs only, or also for two? Six months’ detention, British passport, free to stay, guaranteed home, this is excellent. I will take, and many other Iraqis, too.” What a knife twist to the heart. Good read, Homie.
PILOT KITTY! (Youtube vid via cuteoverload)