September 17, 2007

What kids like to do online.

Also, as part of this Slate feaure: My few weeks in Club Penguin, a social networking site for middle-schoolers..

  • My daughter and many of her classmates have their own computers, for homework. I'm largely oblivious to how much time she spends on them That sound you here? A warning bell.
  • You here, you hear that sound? A warning bell.
  • Hmmmm, lately there's been a faint, melodious, yet irritating tinkle when I've been surfing. *shrugs Oh, well. WHY would you let your kids participate in this? And who are these kids that spend hours on these STUPID STUPID waste-of-bandwidth sites? My grandkids like some games, but they can hardly be chained to the computer for more then 15 minutes. Unless it's YouTube videos of music. We They can dance along with silly songs/videos (like Hampsterdance or the "Numa Numa" song for hours
  • Everybody likes to be part of some peer community. Kids start with games, cliques, fads. Now the net helps them do it in much more elaborated ways. I wonder often what must be like to be a child today, with broadband net access. I'd have gone crazy as a child, I know that much.
  • Interesting article, thanks!
  • Well I built a robot son, and now I'm pretty worried about the amount of time he's spending playing with real kids. I'd shut him down totally but Dr Elephant is all "BLAH BLAH BLAH ASTRO'S SAVING THE WORLD". Man, I hate that big-nosed asshole.
  • I'd definitely go insane if I were a kid now. Back when, the #1 best toy in the world was the empty box in which a full-sized refrigerator was delivered. I'd see the delivery van and wait at the recipient's door for permission to haul the thing away so I could go to work on it with crayons and knives, making it a bus, or a spaceship, or a boat... made for hours of glorious, corrugated fun.
  • Luddite.
  • Wanna see a picture of a naked OHMYGOD
  • Monkeyfilter: hours of glorious, corrugated fun