September 17, 2007

Too much internet will K-I-L-L you.
  • yeah yeah yeah, but WHAT GAME WAS HE PLAYING???
  • Fucking idiots in China spending all their time on the, shit. Think I'll take the dog for a walk.
  • Too much ________ will K-I-L-L you.
  • He was playing eXistenZ... OR ARE WE?
  • /collapse
  • Didn't stop to sleep? Didn't stop to eat? Didn't stop to pee? I guess there are priorities.
  • but WHAT GAME WAS HE PLAYING??? Internet, schminternet, friends don't let friends play Civ. (Told as much 13 years ago and it's still true.)
  • I just bought a copy of Civ 4 two weeks ago. It's sitting unopened on my shelf. Yup, just sitting there. I bought it just to show myself that i could buy it and not play it.
  • hey SB, would you please buy some games for the Wii and send them to me so you can show us all that you can buy them and not play them?
  • I bought a copy of Civ IV when I got my new Mac, but then I loaded up the Mac with stuff, and now I can't play Civ IV no more. Assisted self-control, as it were. But really, I like the original Civ better. There's just too much stuff to look after now.
  • Civ is a meta-palindromic fusion of reality and a virtual world: as your virtual extension efficiently climbs towards social excellence, your real person suffers spinal curvature, malnutrition, degrading hygiene and a wasted week of learning how to get past the first turn.
  • Is that a bone gun, or are you just happy to see me
  • Don't try to tempt me, computer girl. Your virtual charms will fade and vanish when I switch off my monitor. Your succulent delights are no more substantial than a zephry of electrons - the seductive frisson you give me is but an ephemeral whimsy, conjured from the harsh, beeping bowels of the confusion of plastic, silicon and copper that is my processor. On the other hand, I have seen Weird Science, and I'm sure if I feed a few pictures of hot babes into this thing I could finally get laid. BUT NOT UNTIL I'VE FINISHED PLAYING TETRIS, YOU CYBER-CRUMPET.
  • 0100101101010111010101101
  • I never found Civ IV that addictive. No, really, I can stop any time. But it does have that quality of making you carry on grinding through just a few more turns even when you're not really enjoying it which the most addictive games have. But I would never do three days. Two and a half, tops. I can take it or leave it, really.
  • Has anyone read Complicity by Iain Banks? Apparently he's a Civ IV addict, and the main character plays a game not unlike it, but seemingly much more complex and sophisticated. Our hero's laptop is briefly taken by the police, and when he gets it back, he finds they've left the game running and his mighty empire, which he's been building up for weeks, has descended into ruin. Right, so this is the most sophisticated game ever devised, and it has no save function? Thanks for letting me get that off my chest...
  • Another day has passed and that Civ4 is STILL UNOPENED. Easy! HAHAHAHAHAHAH! Crap. Es el queso: Wii games are EXERCISE, they're not real games, so you can go ahead and play as much as you want to. No guilt! Play, play, play... InsolentC: "meta-palindromic fusion of reality and virtual world" - a cool turn of phrase...
  • What I find funny is that tracicle has been playing Monkeyfilter for years now and she's not even on 10,000 points - yet Mathowie is up to 58,879 points on MeFi! And that's why tracicle should give me the cheat codes she cheats us all with and the Da Vinci code for Hank.
  • It's quite a bit more likely he died from the cast-iron-skillet whonk his wife gave him on day 3.
  • quid for bourgeoisie!
  • I forgot about that game, Plegmund. It was a metaphor wasn't it? Bit like the bridge... Yes, Wii games are exercise in the same way that other people's chips don't contain any calories.
  • does the fact that I have never heard of this game destroy years of hard-earned nerd credit?
  • Nah, you've still got an in via fetishist subculture. Stay with us... Nurse! Paddles! CLEAR!!!
  • A metaphor? And the bridge, too? The eponymous bridge in the other book, you mean? Damn, you're right. I have no literary appreciation.