September 14, 2007

If the Crap is Mine, You Will Not Fine Not satisfied with just being a murderer, OJ's now apparently giving burglary a try.
  • He really should stick to murder. Why branch out like that when you are so successful? Do you see McDonald's trying to sell hot dogs? Why has there never been a McDog? They have tried rib sandwiches, fish, chicken, etc.
  • The McD's at the Toronto zoo used to have hot dogs. It was a highlight of the trip. Really, though, they were just Shopsy's dogs, put in a McD's wrapper. Now back to your homicidal maniacs.
  • He tells no lies; it's his merchandise
  • Reporting can be so poor. Unless Nevada has B&E laws that are far different from anywhere else, then the fact that the stuff was his or that he did not have to "break in" is no defense at all. If someone owes you money, you can't go into their unlocked back door and go take money from that person's house. The "breaking" in "breaking and entering" means "breaking the plane." You do not have to break something. You need only break the plane. Entering a room is breaking the plane. Now, if he was with someone who had the authority to be in the room (manager or something), then he may have a defense. But the fact that the stuff was his or that the door was unlocked are both completely irrelevant to a charge or breaking and entering.
  • Remember, Johnnie Cochran's no more.... so his defense is going to be spotty, at best.
  • If you break the plane, the charge is germane.
  • It just worries me that this bit of business will divert his attention from his ongoing search for the real killers.
  • well, yeah, now he has to search for the real burglar, too.
  • Remember, Johnnie Cochran's no more.... so his defense is going to be spotty, at best. *golf clap* The door was unlocked, there was no need for the cops!
  • O.J. makes me terribly sad.
  • This story would have been a lot more fun had OJ taken the security guards on a long, slow chase through the casinos of Vegas. OJ conducting his own sting operation, surely, this is just a taste of more to come!
  • This story is fake. I've been to Nevada. They have no laws.
  • O.J. makes me terribly sad. Try grapefruit instead.
  • Unless Nevada has B&E laws that are far different from anywhere else, then the fact that the stuff was his or that he did not have to "break in" is no defense at all. If someone owes you money, you can't go into their unlocked back door and go take money from that person's house. The "breaking" in "breaking and entering" means "breaking the plane." You do not have to break something. You need only break the plane. Entering a room is breaking the plane. Now, if he was with someone who had the authority to be in the room (manager or something), then he may have a defense. But the fact that the stuff was his or that the door was unlocked are both completely irrelevant to a charge or breaking and entering. To be fair, OJ's story is that he was invited into the room because he was posing as a private collector.
  • Who the hell didn't know he was OJ?
  • See, he was communicating to them through someone else and arranged the meeting. Then, his confidants entered the hotel room first, followed by him, at which point the trouble began. This is his story. Simpson, who was in Las Vegas for a friend's wedding, arranged to meet Riccio, who set up a meeting with collectors under the guise that he had a private collector interested in buying Simpson's items. "We walked into the room," Simpson said. "I'm the last one to go in and when they see me, it's all 'Oh God."
  • Nockle's right about the B&E charge. Nick, if they saw him and asked him to leave, and he forced his way in, whether at gunpoint or not, wouldn't it become assault at minimum? Simpson said he was conducting a sting operation Seems like Simpson thinks he's one of the good guys. My understanding is that citizens don't conduct stings. Many of Simpson's sports collectibles, including his Heisman Trophy, were seized under court order and auctioned to pay some of the $33.5 million judgment awarded to the Goldman family and the estate of Nicole Brown Simpson. I'm sure there's a list somewhere of what he was supposed to surrender. Sounds to me like the asshole decided he wanted his stuff back, and most likely, took the law into his own (ungloved) hands, and attempted to take it back at gunpoint. (My bet's there was a gun involved.) If his shit HAD been stolen, he should have filed a police report. (Bet he didn't) Then he should have reported where the objects were and who he believed had them and let the police handle it. Bet with his money somebody from the department would have worked on it. Once again, Simpson thinks the laws don't apply to him. I'm hoping he gets canned for something on this.
  • He's a psycho.
  • Yeh.
  • Nick, if they saw him and asked him to leave, and he forced his way in, whether at gunpoint or not, wouldn't it become assault at minimum? Fuck if I know. My point was just that Simpson's story had him being invited into the room.
  • Is it possible that the court system will throw the book at him just for entertainment value? I'd kinda like to not sit next to him in first class the next time I go to Cali. OJ or Anne Coulter. Vomits a little at the thought.
  • They fly sociopath airlines.
  • My point was just that Simpson's story had him being invited into the room. And you BELIEVED him? *jaw drops Just kidding. But I wouldn't believe anything that arsehole said even if he swore it on a stack of scented, gold-bound, flaming bibles
  • And you BELIEVED him? Well, not necessarily. I just don't think it's as cut-and-dried as we all want to believe.
  • He has vowed to search the world for the real burglars.
  • Ah, the mysterious "they" strike again!
  • They live!
  • Simpson said he was conducting a sting operation to collect his belongings And he's perfectly qualified because of his days as part of the elite Police Squad. Doubtless he employed highly-trained private dicks to assist him. Simpson said he was accompanied by several men he met at a wedding cocktail party Well, um, okay then.
  • It's really a big old bundle of wacky, isn't it?
  • Simpson complains police haven't been responsive! The bugger was arrested Sunday. I'd say they're responsive enough to satisfy me.
  • Monkeyfilter: A big old bundle of wacky
  • *slide whistle*
  • OJ says bad words to the people who stole his stuff local TV news website flash player
  • I just don't think it's as cut-and-dried as we all want to believe. Except in this case, it looks like it really is as cut-and-dried as we all want to believe.
  • Is it???
  • Well, bringing armed minions along seems an odd touch.
  • Yeah, but OJ don't roll like we do.
  • MonkeyFilter: OJ don't roll like we do.
  • Goldman family wants O.J. Simpson memorabilia Judge tells Goldmans to return with list of Simpson's memorabilia Hey, he's trying to find the real killers! This was probably like a lead or something, and then these inept cops had to come in and start messing everything up! Man, he was so close too!
  • Yeah, and now the judge is pickin' on him by not giving him bail. *wails OH, WHEN WILL THE WORLD STOP TREATING OJ LIKE A CRIMINAL!!!