September 12, 2007

Sooner pulls testicles out of a Longhorn.
  • Holy god.
  • Yeah, real men fight by grabbing their crotches. What a sicko.
  • Holy hell, I had assumed that the title was a clever pun.
  • Well, it kinda was, but you know what I mean
  • Ouch.
  • Damn, I got a sore crotch just by remembering this article.
  • Man, am I glad I don't have testicles to worry about.
  • Same here.
  • Neither man attended the university that they appear to hold so dear.
  • NO NO NO NO NONONONONONonooooooooooooooooooooooooooo *curls into fetal positon*
  • That's just nuts.
  • He got testy.
  • That just sacs!
  • Neither man attended the university that they appear to hold so dear. That doesn't matter when it comes to The OU/Texas Game. Some of the most rabid fans probably never got near any university in their lives. Oklahoma State and Arkansas fans morph into Sooners, people get crazy, and the Dallas city jail fills up. (Threats of testicle removal are par for the course, actual attempts are quite rare.) Strangely enough, most of these fans (OU and Texas) are also supporters of the Dallas Cowboys... just not so much the last part of September/first part of October.
  • So I guess you could say there's a vas deferens between the two groups?
  • I suppose he'll have the balls to testify, come the court date? (How come no one mentioned the weak sack on Texas?)
  • Hmm. Yet another use for tennis balls... decoys or prosthetics, depending on chronology. Rabid sports fans + rivalry + alcohol = crowd pleasin' hi jinx.
  • TUMFTW on the crotch-grabbingly bad pun
  • She certainly bagged it.
  • don't they eat bulls balls round thar?
  • "He was wearing a pair of white shorts, which made it that much worse." After Labour Day? He deserved what he got.
  • Made it much worse, huh? I guess if he'd had red shorts on, they'd have all laughed it off, he'd have stuffed his danglies back in, and they'd have shared a brew.
  • This totally would have happened anyway, even if alcohol wasn't involved.
  • Wait - no it wouldn't. Scratch that last bit.
  • Monkeyfilter: stuffed his danglies back in
  • Alcohol doesn't grab your crotch and yank out your nads. PEOPLE grab your crotch and yank out your nads. /Martini-drinking Moses
  • *vows never be around any PEOPLE anymore*
  • *P.E.O.P.L.E. Persons for the Emancipation of Ovular Progeny Liberating Extremities
  • Alcohol doesn't grab your crotch and yank out your nads. And yet the chance of nad yanking skyrockets per Bud Light. This particular altercation stinks of Jaeger tho.
  • I have never seen people who smoke pot do any of this sort of stuff.
  • I plan to test this theory of mine, some time later this week. And what it is, too. And it's mine.
  • The spliff is small at one end, gets very very big in the middle, and is small again on the other end. cc2007
  • Dave's not here.
  • Pizza!!!
  • That is the theory, petebest and Hank. And what it is too. *clears throat repeatedly, passes burning spliff*
  • I have absolutely no idea wha's goin' on...
  • Shh shh - I love this part *air guitar grimace*
  • Kick out the jams, motherfuckers!
  • *rubs face*
  • What .. wait, what?
  • I never do any of that when I'm baked, btw. I have highly articulate, intelligent conversations about subjects such as art & philosophy. It's just that I forget what the hell I came out to the kitchen for.. was I looking for something?
  • Wow. That's just.... Wow.
  • MonkeyFilter: I have never seen people who smoke pot do any of this sort of stuff.