September 07, 2007

Sisters keep mother's body in fridge for ten years - and visit her every weekend.
  • I'm OK with hangin' out near the Ben and Jerry's. Just make sure I'm closer to the T-bones than the ground round.
  • My sister and I always promised our mother a space under the sink, but that was pre-mortem, not post.
  • ...and, when I passed the link to this story along to my dear sainted mother, her response was, "Very devoted children, I should be so lucky."
  • Wouldn't it have been cheaper if they just bought a deep freeze and plopped her in? "Honey, could you get me those pork chops in the freezer? They're by mum's left arm under the fudgesicles..."
  • I guess they liked their mum enough not to throw her in the Thames...nibble, nibble, nibble.
  • I find it interesting that the funeral home people go along with it. It says to me that this is less about money for them and more about the *altered P.O.V. on life, and death, that funeral people have. (*Notice I avoided saying twisted, creepy, weird or macabre.)
  • Those coffins don't last very long, do they?
  • I just pray they're not running a cheap run down motel in a remote location or anything. COMING MOTHER!
  • I was coming to say the same as Plegmund. I hope that's some groovy biodegradable design feature, and not just shoddiness.
  • So, no zombie? Body decaying nicely? Well, alright then... /puts down boomstick
  • I've heard of having a cool relationship with your mother, but...
  • I just can't reconcile in my mind the idea that they haven't accepted their mother's death coupled with the fact that they regularly change the padding in her abdominal cavity themselves.
  • Sheesh, even Poe didn't envison anything this ghoulish. I've seen a corpse or two in my day, but none I'd care to hang out with regularly. Sounds like these ladies need to move on and find a life, 'cause their current social arrangements seem kinda one-sided.
  • Egad.
  • You've gotta admire their esprit de corpse
  • Chilling.
  • There's always Frozen Dead Guy Nederland Colorado
  • Nicely crafted, kamus.