September 06, 2007

Canada does its bit on the War on Terror: delivers Bin Laden to Bush.
  • Wow it seems like such a great idea, who would have thought it would have gotten everyone thrown in jail? Not that jail's not hilarious all by itself. This is why we can't have nice TV.
  • They got caught becuz they r fake Canadians. That will teach the world not to be fakes.
  • Is it this one again? OMGT3rrX0rzLOL
  • That's comedy gold, Jerry. GOLD!
  • I'm hoping also for a stern warning from his evil sidekick, Bert.
  • Bin Laden plans 9-11 video address to Americans I'm completely torn!! Who should I listen to on 9-11? Petraeus and Crocker with a well-scripted adaptation of the White House's report on Iraq, or Osama's well-scripted... Hell, perhaps I'll just settle for a Courtney Love rant instead.
  • I want to be Canadian.
  • Bin Who? Oh, yeah. The dude similar to a sockpuppet that Bush pulls outta his arse when he wants to jack up the terriorism levels.