September 05, 2007

The harassments of Tony Rosato. The former actor on SCTV and Saturday Night Live, et al has been behind bars for two and a half years, now, and has finally taken the stand. It seems clear that he suffers from Capgras Syndrome, and that the harassment incidents stem from that condition, so why does it take so long to divert him from Court to Care?
  • Wow, that's a sad and unfortunate story for all involoved. Thanks for the post, Capt. -- I've never heard of Capgras before.
  • The real smt would never say that... Sorry.
  • You had me for a moment! And when I say had, I do not mean it in a kitfisto-kind-of-way.
  • I want that illness. It sounds cool.
  • Especially the bit where one thinks one is a replicant.
  • Mental illness is never cool. It's terrifying for the person who is ill, and sad for the people in their family.
  • OK, it sounds cooler than mine.
  • Convicted. Shameful.
  • How strange. I'd never heard of it, either, Capt. Wouldn't that be awful to feel like you'd lost the people you loved?
  • I cannot imagine the inner torment this guy has endured, or what his life must be like. Sad, for someone who once made other folks laugh. I hope he can find some peace.
  • Bizarre - I was just having a "Whatever happened to Tony Rosato" moment the other day. The pictures of him after the trial are barely recognizeable. Sad that he was convicted, but good that he's in a hospital now and won't have a record. I don't know much about Canadian Law (should have paid more attention during Street Legal), but maybe that was the best way to ensure that he got into the proper facility. Best wishes for him and his family.