September 04, 2007

Woman sees her own heart on display at a medical exhibition.
  • The photo is haunting!
  • Yes, but imagine the day when the headline says, "Woman sees her own brain on display..."
  • Or your gizzard. Imagine Hank seeing his gizzard on display! I'd be checkin' out the new boom-boom whilst lookin' at the old one.
  • It looks tasty. Also, congrats on the thread title. Outstanding. But lacks goats.
  • My recent surgery was performed at a "learning hospital" (!), where I was asked to sign a waiver saying it was ok for students to look in and videotape the procedure (which involved my ladybits no less), and use the materials for future "learning". I checked "yes" for everything because I was already high on painkillers. I look forward to seeing my prone, bloated body broadcast on Youtube :(
  • And look! Here it is! /rickroll
  • Hearty laugh, anyone? Anyone? Beuler?
  • Am I the only one wondering what the big deal is here?
  • Perhaps its charm is that it's like the death of Brebeuf, only happy.
  • I had a friend years ago who always used to threaten people by telling them that he would "rip your heart out of your chest and show it to you before you die." I always sort of thought he meant the death would come a little more quickly.
  • Man, the article's title lead me to believe that she wasn't expecting to see her heart on display and that there was some sort of resulting furor or hullabaloo. This then caused me to wonder a) How the hell did she recognize it as being her heart? and b) How the hell did it get there?, so I was very let down when I finally RTFA. Now I'm wondering a) Just how sleep-deprived am I?
  • I had my ass handed to me once.
  • I don't know who's got my balls.
  • Mr.T.
  • kamus holding a strong lead here I think. I would like to take this opportunity to apologise (insincerely) to Monkeys distressed by the misleading way I sold this link (as layne rightly notes). I freely confess my entire purpose was to make the horrible Celine Dion joke in the sidebar title. I was also sort of set thinking of the old hanged, drawn and quartered thing of getting to see them pull your guts out, but tenuous at best, I know.
  • Oh, you still have my heart Abiezer.
  • I had my ass handed to me once. Kamus, you owe me an new keyboard!!! Got. To. Tagline. MonkeyFilter: I had my ass handed to me once.
  • The photos of my latest endoscopy are in the family album.
  • A friend, we'll call him Joe, went to the local Planned Parenthood to get an HIV antibody test. This was when the ELISA and Western Blot tests for HIV were first available to the public. Joe'd fucked a lot, often in the BDSM scene, and figured he should take the test. He was honest with the intake worker, who was sympathetic and frank about his risk before shooing him into a room to watch a film about HIV risk and outcome. The lights went down. The movie came up. Joe watched, attentive, before he realized that the woman describing life after an AIDS diagnosis WAS SOMEONE HE'D FUCKED! LOTS! At which point Joe stopped listening. After the film, his intake worker asked if he understood his risk better. Joe said, "Uh-huh." [Joe was negative.]
  • Ouch!