August 25, 2007

Braaaaaiiins in the Age of Egyptian Mummies. [Via MH.]
  • Food for thought!
  • Bad Gomi! Don't play with your brains at the table.
  • *sulks* One aspect I found interesting was that they removed the brain if the mummy was a wealthy person - but left it in if they weren't. It doesn't seem to have been regarded as particularly useful.
  • The blogger has an African Grey parrot on her shoulder, so she can't be all bad.
  • It's well known that African Greys will suck your brains out at the first opportunity. That blogger is in extreme danger.
  • ACHOOO!! ...Ew.
  • OK, what's with the MySpace-style, sexed-up camera phone pictures of the author? We're supposed to take her seriously as an expert in Egyptology and a doctoral candidate?
  • No. Sexy women should never be taken seriously. The same goes for sexy parrots.
  • We're supposed to take her seriously as an expert in Egyptology and a doctoral candidate? Yeah, grad students have neither money nor style.
  • Er, calling all Monkeys as well. Oops.