August 25, 2007

Former U.S. military commander says elites hide from humanity knowledge and contact with many Extraterrestrial civilizations - and that there are possibly hundreds of cultures visiting Earth. Why do these UFO disclosure people always look like this guy?
  • Nobody knows the truth. The government doesn't know what they are. ET civilisations making contact with us would be like us sending a diplomatic representative to the Uganda Mountain Gorillas. We are too primitive to openly contact, and it would destroy our civilisation if it happened at this stage. Bet your ass the military/government groups on Earth don't have any 'dialogue' going with ET. Maybe they'd like everyone to think so, but no. Nobody knows.
  • Speaking as someone who used to work with top secret information, the idea that someone who had access even 40 years ago would yak up all the details of sensitive info just astonishes me. I don't think anyone who had that degree of classified access would put theirselves on the line like that, especially on a basis of hearsay. I'm putting my money on crackpot, or crackpot with credentials (in which case I don't trust the info).
  • Or a guy making money out of the UFO convention circuit.
  • Speaking as a weak, lonely human (monkey), the idea that someone who had access to such top secret information up to 40 years ago would not yak up all the details just astonishes me. What the fuck else is there?
  • I, for one, wel......oh, fuck this. walks off, muttering to self
  • There's something going on in the skies. There's more up there than weather balloons and satellites. That much I think it's within reason to say. And if it's military stuff, I sure hope it's ours.