August 13, 2007

Karl, we hardly knew ya... Karl Rove to resign at the end of August. Resign for real.
  • Too bad it's not bush resigning.
  • Too bad it's not Rove getting his head shoved in a chipping machine.
  • "I just think it's time," Mr Rove said in an interview with the Wall Street Journal, adding that he was quitting for the sake of his family. "I have been successful in making life more difficult or obsolete for people on the basis or their race, religion, or sexual preference. I am just worried that if I continue down that road, I may reach the point where I inadvertantly ruin the life of a family member." He will be missed.
  • Does this mean he'll finally lose his security clearance?
  • Karl: (hitches britches) "Welp, guess I've done all the damage I can do here. Time to go ruin something else for everybody now."
  • LOL bernockle. He'll only be missed until I get my sighting scope fixed.
  • Well, it's not like he's needed anymore. Elections are in 2008 and everyone is already on their way to the door. Yay I guess.
  • I'm really wondering what the real story is. The ol' "spend time with the family" excuse is always a cover for a firing or forced-resignation. Why is he now a political liability? Why go now, when he and the WH could still enjoy some amount of political cover with him inside the administration? Of course, it could simply be that he's bored. Stuck with nothing to do but crisis-management and ungripping spin, he simply left, rather than play out the ugly game. Make some cash on the consulting-and-lecture circuit, come back when there's glory to be had. Huh.
  • I agree with the Capt. -- "I need to spend more time with my family" is politician-speak for "I've been asked to resign but am allowed to leave with my dignity." Bush is loyal to his guys to the point of blindness, so someone else must have pushed for this...
  • You can be sure that there is a strategic reason for this. Someday, we will know what it was.
  • A-Rove-in', a-Rove-in', Since Rove has been our ru-i-n, We'll go no more a-Rove-in' With old Karl Rove.
  • what's that saying about rats??? and ships?? sinking ones, I think?
  • "Rats! The ship is sinking!" Is that what you mean?
  • So, what do people say when they want to spend more time with their family? "I got the boot"?
  • yeah, who gives up power willingly unless the shit's about to hit the fan?
  • I just knew that rapping-at-the-press-corps-dinner thing was gonna come back to bite him in the ass.
  • i wish that quote was true, 'nockle... i just passed it along to some friends without realizing it was speculative and not attributable...
  • Capt.: Please tell me that "Golden Handshake" means someone took a piss on that smug fucker. I want to believe it, but I don't want to click your link and find out that it isn't true.
  • Keep your dreams alive, frogs. (Upon review, I didn't realize that 'golden handshake' included a serverance package -- which Rove didn't get. I thought packages were included in 'golden parachutes', and that 'golden handshakes' were just empty shows of support -- like positive recommendation letters or being talked up on exit. But the internets say that I'm wrong. Huh.)
  • I like the new definition of golden handshake: urination on the palms. I say we get RtD to start the campaign to make MoFi #1 in the redefinition process!
  • i just passed it along to some friends without realizing it was speculative and not attributable.. Sorry. I didn't realize I had any credibility around these parts. Had I known, I would have made a much greater effort to sustain it.
  • Just in time to bring the Republican sheep back into the flock. Might as well throw the very serious Republican elite, who have lately been souring to Rove's ministrations, a token bone. I mean, we all know that any mock trial conducted into RoveCo by the preternaturally frightened Democratic marjority will just be nipped off by assertions of Divine Right Executive Privilege. Really, I think the earliest time to celebrate is when Rove is safe and dead, though one should still then wonder if he didn't leave a horcrux or six.
  • "I have been successful in making life more difficult or obsolete for the American people on the basis of their race, religion, or sexual preference. I know that if I continue down that road, I can continually keep on ruining the life of all individuals and family members in the US." There, Karl, fixed that for you. ...or as TP put it so much more succinctly. Really, I think the earliest time to celebrate is when Rove is safe and dead, though one should still then wonder if he didn't leave a horcrux or six. Horcrux--isn't that his middle name?
  • I'm surprised we haven't gotten into Godwin territory yet--though I appreciate the horcrux notion.
  • Well, Godwinning Rove is kind of an exercise in redundancy.
  • Geeeeeedouuda here!!
  • I’ve told people when my money runs out, then I’ve got to go. That's some deficit crisis you guys've got going.
  • At least Snow has a legitimate reason -- he's battling cancer. As much as I dislike Snow, I'm afraid that his resignation is a bad sign for his health, because just last week he said he had no plans to step down and would work through his treatments.
  • I’ve told people when my money runs out, then I’ve got to go. and by my money politicians mean YOUR money.
  • Why else was he a featured pundit, along with Schlong Cheney and all the rest, on that last issue of Time Magazine I saw at the gym?
  • Seriously, $135 million is chump change. Not that the jerk doesn't have money and power at his disposal, but we're either not hearing about all of it, or he's more of a bit player than an actual power figure. What scares me are the real puppeteers that jerk the strings in Amurika.