August 09, 2007

Coo-coo ka-choo, Mrs. Britney... (Yes, this is far from FPP-worthy, but a story this trashy shouldn't be lost on an old thread.) K-Fed supposedly dating Britney's mom. Half of me feels revulsion at the sheer white-trashery of it all, the other half wants to applaud.
  • hey, i'd hit it this has to be the trashiest-assed rumor evar.
  • I couldn't resist. I'm a bad, bad boy. Spank me, mommy.
  • and of course, if you prefer men, DILDO-POWER! (Dad I'd Like to Do)
  • Damn, I'd Lick Dad's Orifice
  • Slightly more unsubstantiated rumour info. "Backstabbing"? Is that, like, code for pegging? Ladies and gentlemen, it is at this point, where Penthouse Letters have supplanted actual world news, that civilization has collapsed. Nice knowing you...
  • From your link, this is more FPP-worthy: Cat Meets Mysterious End After Erasing Phantom Sequel Andrew Lloyd Webber's kitten has died after being hit by a car. Otto, a Turkish Van cat, had only been living in the Webber house since January, but during his stay managed to erase the score to a Phantom of the Opera sequel Andy L was writing, which was saved digitally on his electric piano. Andy has pledged to dedicate the score to Otto while theatre lovers will be awarding Otto the medal of courage for his brave work in slowing down the sequel. That cat deserves a state burial for destroying that score.
  • Is "accussed" some kind of whacko North-of-the-border spelling? Or does the accusation involve cussing? If it's the latter, I heartily approve. That cat story was pretty cool. Except for the part about the cat dying. And I assume that "Otto" is short for "Mr. Mistottoflees" or something.
  • Of course if this is TRUE white trashiness then her mom couldn't possible be more than 38 or 39, which would be no big deal.
  • She's 52.
  • Anybody else think Brit's brother looks like Greg Dulli?
  • 52? Well that would be her grandmother.
  • I think it's pretty clear that Otto was sent from the future to perform his mission. The "car accident" was surely a way to pull him back to his own time.
  • Apparently Britney is so distraught by the thought of K-Fed shtupping her mom that she dinged another car and didn't bother leaving a note, forgetting about that whole paparazzi thing.