August 08, 2007

A giant, smiling Lego man was rescued from drowning in the sea, off the Dutch resort of Zandvoort on Tuesday. Workers at a drinks stall rescued the 2.5-metre (8-foot) tall lego dued with a yellow head and blue torso.

Nobody knows where it comes from, although it was described as coming from the direction of the UK. It has a mysterious Koan-like phrase on its chest. Somewhere a giant Lego boat with a Lego lady on board scours the ocean in a futile search.

  • Interesting report. I don't think it's a mysterious Koan-like phrase. I think some prankster somewhere is slapping themselves on the forehead and muttering, "no MORE real than you are! no MORE, dammit!" Or perhaps this is a modern real-life version of The Iron Man. He will befriend a small boy, then defend the world against a Space-Bat-Angel-Dragon. And fail, cos he'll melt.
  • Would this be something somebody custom-made, or are they manufactured? Is it a store display?
  • He's looking for his rubber duckie
  • oops...let's try that again... He was looking for his rubber duckie
  • Take off your shirt, Lego Dude -- you don't need no farmer's tan.
  • Oh, wait -- Holland -- right. Dude, you need a sweater?
  • Very good - but I liked the first version too, briank...
  • I like "No LESS Real Than You Are"..
  • Apparently, as rescuers grabbed him, a unearthly voice was heard to cry out, "Leggo!"
  • *choke*
  • He's sneaking ashore as an il-lego alien.
  • He'd heard rumours of a block party.
  • How do we know for certain that the lego man isn't filled with Greek soldiers, poised to re-take the drinks stand?
  • We're all fucked.
  • I like how in the bbc link he's getting ready to crush the head of one of the bathers. Seems like it's this guy. Dance Valley 2007 was een groot succes
  • "I don't speak your crazy moon language, but a giant lego dude in the sea is pretty fucking funny." Thanks, roryk. First real laugh of the day.
  • I think this is BearGuy's long-awaited revenge for the fearsome one-on-one...
  • Maybe it was "no realER than you" and the ER washed off or was licked off by eels.
  • I've been licked off by eels. Believe me, you don't want that.
  • "Licked off by Eels" = good band name.
  • OK, who speaks Dutch? Babelfish is not my friend here.
  • I think some people in Holland might.
  • Whaddaya wanna know?
  • I wanna know why the mac and cheese at The Skylark is so good.
  • Do bread and butter pickles cause ulcers?
  • Do you want a smoke and some pancakes?
  • MonkeyFilter: I've been licked off by eels. Believe me, you don't want that. Now can we all go home and forget about it?
  • You ruined teh cascade! /huff
  • I got stuck in the Holland Tunnel once, if that helps, Lara.
  • either you big or it small
  • What I really wanted was to know if someone could translate the link Ralph posted above, which appears to be in Dutch and appears to explain Lego Man. And whether plastic spoons are a government conspiracy.
  • Missie = mission (statement) Vrienden = friends Op reis = on the way, travels Fotoboek = photo book Hebbes = stuff (?) Ego Leonard = Ego Leonard Mind you, all my Dutch I picked up at the kitchen table, so I can't read or write worth a damn, and I depend on context a lot.
  • 1. Key to any good mac and cheese is a pinch of curry powder. 2. Yes. 3. No. 4. Please. 5. You aren't supposed to know about that.
  • ego leonard = lego on dare, read on lego, lego no dear?
  • Did that giant lego's head just turn, or have I had too much codeine?
  • OK, it's a .jpg. Off for more cough syrup!
  • 1. Key to any good mac and cheese is a pinch of curry powder. I've heard this before, but been afraid to try it, as I'm not much of a curry person. What's your recipe, Capt?
  • I'll take a guess: 1. Make mac and cheese. 2. Add a pinch of curry powder. 3. Eat.
  • Some people make mac and cheese without a cardboard box, though.
  • Ralph, back off, smartass macaroni brain. Some people use Velveta, some only use cheddar cheese. (cheddar, here) Some cook a creamy sauce and add it, some grate cheese and make it all in one pan. (one pan) Some cook it on the stove, some bake it. (stove) If baked, breadcrumb topping or not? I do the pan thing, but I've had some kick-ass creamy baked mac'n cheese. Get back in the box, Ralph.
  • I make a white sauce, then add grated cheese. Usually at least 2 kinds (cheddar and monterey jack are good choices), a tiny bit of garlic, salt and pepper. I pour that over cooked macaroni and bake it until the top is all crispy. No basil, though. I shall try curry in the sauce next time. Go back to your Easy Mac in the microwave, remaining forever ignorant of what good mac and cheese is! *sighs dramatically and falls on fainting couch*
  • The very first thing I would crave after coming off a chemo treatment was day-old cold baked macaroni and cheese.
  • COLD!! Good grief.