August 05, 2007
The Exciting World of South Korean Protests
- possibly NSFW - Do not click if you are a bit squeamish or an animal lover - there are pix here that may disturb you.
For a country of about 50 million people, there are a lot of protests in South Korea. With a national average of 11,000 public protests a year, the average South Korean riot policeman is mobilized to contain 85 demonstrations a year.
Among these, there are some rather interesting protests. Here are a few particularly uniquely interesting/crazy South Korean protest photos.
I particularly dig the hardcore APEC protester who takes the water hose full-on in the face & just stares back at the cops. On another forum, a challenge was made to create a meme out of this guy. Here's my attempt:
Pretty piss-poor, actually.
The Korean protesters at the WTO meeting in Hong Kong in 2005 made a big impression.
Also hardcore, but not in the article, is the practice of cutting off one's own finger in protest to show one's displeasure with such issues as Japanese claims to Dokdo/Takeshima or visits by the (then) Prime Minister of Japan to Yasukuni Shrine.
I think that is in the article, but yes.
Here's some (pretty violent, be warned) footage of riot cops captured and assaulted by students during clashes at Yonsei University in the late 90s.
Hank, you're right: it is in there. It's right after the photo of the guy with the knife sticking out of his stomach, so I think my brain stopped accepting input until I'd scrolled that gruesome image off the page!
Well I don't see what's so interesting about people who take to the streets and protest things when they're angry or upset. I mean, like, everyone knows that protests don't change anything. /returns to watching Big Brother 8
Okay, the guy that got hit by the hose had the best expression on his face. lol.
pretty distressing stuff on there.
I mean, like, everyone knows that protests don't change anything. One of my proudest moments was back when the current war in iraq was just starting and someone in the college paper wrote a column basically saying the same thing about protests being ineffective. My response? I just took the online copy of his column and search and replaced "protests" with "newspaper columns" and sent it off as a letter to the editor. They published it.
Absolutely beautiful, iccalhoun!