August 03, 2007

SHENANNIGANS! The cop from the Village People is fresh out of rehab and mounting a comeback tour. He's trying to convince the world that 'YMCA' and other fine songs like "In the Navy" were in no way, shape or form "gay," but just misinterpreted as such by narrow-minded meanies.

'When he says, 'Hang out with all the boys'... he's talking about the boys, the fellas.... But it's one of those ambiguous songs that was taken that way because of the gay association with Village People.'"

  • Damned if I can find anything to back this up now, but I thought Jacques Morali's official line was that it wasn't a band filled with gay stereotypes, but just ordinary people you would find in the village (small-v-village, not The Village). Which always sounded like total bullshit. Last month or so, Jon Stewart had a good line about 'being the gayest member of the Village People', and recognizing that he had just started a debate somewhere, over just who was the gayest one. It was teh funny. And it's totally between the biker and the indian, anyway, so the cop probably doesn't have to worry about what people think of him and what he might be doing with his peepee. Hell, thanks to the fickleness of fame, he doesn't have to worry about people thinking of him at all...
  • Victor Willis, the cop from the Village People, says the lyrics in Y.M.C.A. were not meant to be innuendo about gay cruising but about hanging out with your straight buddies. Inn-u-endo. Heh heh. [...] Sorry. *snicker*
  • Queso: damn you! I can't seem to dislodge the earworm. Young man, there's a place you can go. I said, young man, when you're short on your dough. You can stay there, and I'm sure you will find Many ways to have a good time. It's fun to stay at the Y M C A. It's fun to stay at the Y M C A. They have everything for you men to enjoy, You can hang out with all the boys ... hummm hummm hummm You can get yourself cleaned, you can have a good meal, You can do whatever you feel ... Y M C A
  • My parents had no idea at the time that there was any gay connotation to that song, or to the Village People themselves.
  • Some members of the Village People were gay? Shocking, Sir! Shocking I say. (Not that there's anything wrong with that, of course.) Actually I'm more surprised that there were Village People members who were not gay.
  • Love the last line in the article. "Wolf says Willis's stage performance will include all of his biggest hits with the Village People, and several costume changes involving the group's trademark personas." Which of course, aren't gay at all"
  • Wait, you guys thought that song was gay!? What a bunch of perverts! LOL!
  • These guys aren't gay. I met a gay once, & he was nothing like that.
  • I don't know, I find those songs rather upbeat, happy and gay.
  • You know I didn't, to begin with, believe any of those persistent rumours about there being a homosexualist element in the Village People, but I was sort of forced to adjust my opinion by their association with the German national soccer team, all of whom are obviously screaming fruits.
  • I remember the Muppets doing 'In The Navy'. Does that mean the Muppets were gay? Were Kermit and Scooter getting their plush bone on? Those two old gay guys in the box were definitely gay.
  • Miss Piggy and Janice... come on, they played nurse together, rock stars, space explorers...
  • Duh, muteboy, of course they were gay. We all knew.
  • MonkeyFilter: all of whom are obviously screaming fruits
  • *applauds*
  • But...but I loved the Muppets and felt an affinity for them! So that's why they called him 'Animal'...
  • It was obvious the muppets were gay. They all had big blokes' arms stuck in their arses.