August 02, 2007

Newsfilter: Bridge collapses over the Mississippi River in Minneapolis. Hell, one of my most dear friends drove over 10 minutes before it happened.
  • Wow. Any word why it fell? The article said that there was construction on the bridge. Perhaps this is where the fellow who lost his wrecking ball last month got his next job.
  • Carpe diem, baby. Really.
  • A 500-foot (150-metre) span ... was crowded with commuters I'm really kind of astounded that the media is trumpeting a "rush hour tragedy" but is reporting only three deaths. Either there is underreporting of the tally, or the bridge was not as crowded as we're led to believe, or there are some extenuating circumstances (like a low height) that helped people survive. It would be interesting to know why motorists were so lucky.
  • Apparently, the construction was surface work, which makes a structural impact unlikely. Some sort of chain reaction, whatever happened.
  • Then again, seeing this photo, the bridge height looks to be at least a good 50+ feet over the water, so it makes the issue even more confusing.
  • Now up to 6 dead and 37 injured. Maybe they haven't found everyone yet.
  • CNN is quoting the Coast Guard as saying that there are up to 50 cars on the water, and that it's now transitioning from a "rescue" effort to a "recovery" effort. Something tells me the number of fatalities is going to increase... But I hope not. My thoughts to all those in the area, especially any Minneapolis monkeys. My friend is quite shaken by the fact she drove over just before it happened... it's one of those strange events in life that makes you realize how fragile it can be.
  • Uh, I meant "in the water".
  • How horrible. Yes sugarmilktea I can imagine your friend is a bit freaked out by it all.
  • Just goes to show that our crappy infrastructure maintenance is more effective than terrorists ever could be.
  • .
  • Wow. Just... Wow. Fellow Minne-Monkeys, I trust you are all home safe this evening. .
  • Yeah, it was pretty shocking to hear about it at 6:15 and to see pictures when I turned the local news on.
  • Actual video of the bridge collapsing. Like a house of cards... what next? All sympathies to everyone affected by this horror. It's time for the U.S. to start putting its money where its people are.
  • Sweet Mothra... And yes -- sympathies to everyone involved. It's time for the U.S. to start putting its money where its people are. Indeed.
  • Kinda makes you wonder what other bridges have received similar, or even lower, ratings. Yikes. I smell lawsuits...
  • Thanks for the concern... fortunately, all my family and friends were OK. Many prayers for all the victims... Having said that OMG this is gonna screw up traffic patterns for years. That was one of the bigger bridges across the river, and now we'll all be detoured over 94, which is hella congested at best.
  • there's now video of the actual collapse; watching it brought me to tears, watch at your own peril. as a Bay area Monkey, this is all too scary and close to home, stirring up memories of the 89 Loma Prieta quake and the Bay Bridge collapse.
    .    for all the people affected by this horrid tragedy.
  • oops, sorry Capn. I missed your video link on the first run thru.
  • oh crap, can i not read? sorry Kinnakeet.
  • It's only a bridge collapsing. What's with all the tearjerk'd comments? Shit breaks down all over the world every day.
  • And when people are killed, it's not just a tearjerk. So don't be a realjerk about it, Fuyugare. What if it had been one of YOUR family or friends? As of 2003, there were about 160,570 bridges deemed structurally deficient or functionally obsolete, according to the American Society of Civil Engineers. The number represented 27.1 percent of the nation's bridges. It would be nice if there were a list somewhere, so we could get onto our local people to FRIGGIN' DO SOMETHING. Just goes to show that our crappy infrastructure maintenance is more effective than terrorists ever could be. Oh, come on. One is much more attention getting for politicians than the other.
  • BlueHorse, see here for some information by state. Also, see here for an article detailing an unsettling response for specific information on each bridge in Pennsylvania, requested back in April under FOIA.
  • BlueHorse, see here for some information by state. Also, see here for an article detailing an unsettling response for specific information on each bridge in Pennsylvania, requested back in April under FOIA.
  • Why spend money on infrastructure? We have more important things to spend money on. Like Iraq.
  • Those state-by-state reports are scary stuff. One of the headlines on the New York page was even from my small town, and that surprised me since we have constant road work going on. We have a saying that there are two seasons here - snow and construction.
  • Mickey: I'd like to know the names of the bridges...I figure ANY dam is suspect. I thought we were bad with 13 state-determined deficient dams in Idaho. Idaho has 95 high hazard dams. A high hazard dam is defined as a dam whose failure would cause a loss of life and significant property damage. Then I read North Carolina's statistics: There are about 81 state-determined deficient dams in North Carolina. North Carolina has 1,046 high hazard dams ACK!! I like the quotes from engineers. Idaho's is best, though: "We want a high level of service from our infrastructure, we want someone else to pay for it." - a civil engineer from Boise, ID Says it all, don't it?
  • the radio this am claimed that there are 800, 800 bridges in the SF Bay Area....many of which are "structurally deficient" it's difficult to get from any one place to another here without going over a bridge :(
  • As long as we're spending trillions in Iraq, things like this, and Katrina, will continue. And will worsen. I am so heartbroken over this, you can't imagine. And I have this really creepy feeling, because last Thursday night I dreamed I was driving off a bridge, and as the car went over the edge, my mind was stuck on the thought that we were going to drop, nothing under us, and that there was nothing I could do about it.
  • Also, I'd like to hear exactly what criteria qualify for "structurally deficient".
  • Ever see Carnival of Souls?
  • Mickey's second link about my part of PA was scary, because according to the local news, we have the most bridges of any major city in the world here in Pittsburgh. (This link says we have 944 highway bridges, while this one says we only have 400-some.) Getting to and from *anywhere* in the city requires going over a (really, really high) bridge, and I'll admit that I felt self-centered enough yesterday to be a little scared as we went over the bridge.
  • fuyugare - it's kind of a big deal, for several reasons. First and foremost quite a few people died, there are still cars and bodies in the water, and much related human tragedy. Secondly, it's a major clusterfuck here in Minneapolis, as this is a major thoroughfare. You can't take out a 4-lane section of highway through a major metropolis without causing a problem. When said bridge also collapses across a freight train line, several adjacent roads, and blocks a shipping lane on a large river, well, you add it up. That's not even counting the problems with the public utilities; Xcel Energy for example is asking the nearby UMN campus to reduce power consumption to help with the destabilized power grid. Is that a big enough deal for you? People are still trying to figure out why it fell. Bridges don't usually just collapse like that, with no clear reason. There are a lot of other bridges in the Twin Cities metro area, many much higher in the air than the 35W bridge was. People here are understandably concerned.
  • CLF, that's the most polite Shut The Fuck Up memo I have ever read. Well done.
  • I drive over this one twice a day
  • fug - once or twice
  • I haven't really allowed myself to think too much about this over the last few days. I've purposely kept myself away from this thread for that very reason. Why is it a big deal? Because it's normalcy turned against us, something take for granted that takes us in turn... A sudden, jarring reminder of the incontravertible fact of death, a strike beyond our prediction or control. What can we trust more than the road beneath us? Very little. And yet it still fell.
  • I just find this gutwrenching angst all over the internets to be very unseemly. But I guess wailing online is almost a performance art in the year 2007.
  • It's a venue for communication, and as such it will sometimes communicate angst and unhappiness as well as the more typical snidely superior misanthropy.
  • Apparently someone pissed in fuyugare's Cheerios, collapsed fuyugare's bridge, and he hasn't quite got over it. Since it's obviously upsetting you, my dear, may I suggest you Just. Don't. Read. TheFuckn. Thread?
  • I might add: On a related note, as a fairly recent Minneapolis resident, I'm alive and relatively well. Spent quite a bit of time in the ER over the last week but it wasn't bridge-related (just an unintentional Jackass-style jump on a mtn bike - keep the wheels down, try not to land on yer heads folks, and furtheluvofgawd wear a damn helmet! without which I'd probably be at least concussed and likely drain bramaged or such right now, instead of just sore and dealing with minor nerve damage.)
  • Okay, boys and girls, let this be a lesson to you all.
  • Poor frogs. Sooooooo, frogs can't jump?
  • frogs jumps just fine - didn't stick the landing, though. But hey, who needs an entire diaphragm to breathe anyway? Half of it still works... ugh. Hopefully that will heal, we will see. Until then it's a pain in the ass... uh, make that chest! to run. Which really stinks, 'cause I'm signed up for a 10k in two weeks, and I don't want to skip it. But yes, in money terms, $bike helmet < $rehab, so keep that in mind. Also, if the kid needs one, so do you, parents! And wear it correctly, not all crooked on the back of your head. It's a helmet, not a ball cap.
  • Whaaaa? Nerve damage in chest, 10K in two weeks, frogs thinks he has to run. If you run this, I retract my sympathy, goofball. Or go ahead. Learn the hard way. A month after the wreck, I was firmly convinced my collapsed lung and broken ribs were no problem! until I decided to do a bit of hill climbing.... Of course, you're probably tougher than I am. *sits down to eat a Wimpy burger
  • Froggy went a cyclin' and he did ride, uh huh, uh huh. Froggy went a cyclin' and he did ride, uh huh, uh huh. Froggy went a cyclin' and he did ride, and bruised his tender, soft insides, uh huh. Froggy wore a helmet on his head, uh huh, uh huh. Froggy wore a helmet on his head, uh huh, uh huh. Froggy wore a helmet on his head, and that is why he is not dead, uh huh.
  • *claps
  • How's the chest, Froggy? Still planning on running wheezing this 10K?
  • Ran it! Kept it under an hour (58:30) and didn't kill myself. Paced my run by sticking with my wife for the first 4 miles, then said to heck with it and picked up the pace. Finished strong but didn't have any kick left at the end. Mrs. Frogs was happy, as even with me running slow she had to push it to keep up, so her time was really good (I lost her when I sped up, but she was only a minute behind me!) So, aside from the neurosurgery consult next week, things aren't too bad. Turns out a disc in my neck is off kilter, and that's pressing on nerves to the diaphragm and right shoulder. Would be more upset except I've had a similar disc issue in my lower back for about 12-13 years now, and it doesn't slow me down. I'm staying off of the dirt trails until I get this sorted out (wife is unhappy about that - she likes the dirt trails too!) but I'm not giving up on riding around town at least. Plus, new helmet! Remember, it's only good for one impact! (The wife thinks maybe I should wear the old helmet all the time, as a precaution... don't know what she's thinking, just 'cause I bonked my head coming up the stairs on Sunday...)
  • I'm with Mrs. Frogs on that one! ;-)
  • Congratulations! Glad to hear you're feeling better--except for the bump on the noggin. You could have wheezed at least once for those of us who are out of shape, but noooo, you had to show off!