August 01, 2007
CBS Reported Flight 93 Crashed Into Camp David.
Newly uncovered video footage compiled from CBS News reports on the day of September 11th, 2001 shows the news agency reporting that United Airlines Flight 93 had actually crashed into Camp David. These reports are extremely odd considering the fact that Camp David is approximately 90 miles away from Shanksville Pennsylvania in Somerset County where the official story states that the flight actually crashed.
Insane tinfoil hat paranoia? Or ...?
scramble a couple jets up thereturn the cameras around, so we don't have to use the ones from the gas station across the street." Add to that that the damage to the building was fairly compact -- at the very least, it should have been the entire wingspan of the plane. Add to that the initial reports that the initial explosion was of a tanker truck, something probably more in line with the damage caused, and something is very, very fishy. But then the problem becomes "what happened to the plane", which is a completely different conspiracy theory altogether. All of which is respectfully submitted.