July 20, 2007

The final days: the Mayan end of time. “A lot of people ask me if the world is going to end in 2012,” he said, “and I’ve come up with the best way to address that. The short answer is yes. The long answer is no.”
  • Dec 21 will be a Friday. I would have preferred a Sunday, I think.
  • Entropy or habituation no longer exists after December 21, 2012. The simulation comes to an end.
  • Bugger I've got plans on the 22nd.
  • I came up with a silly site where you 'voted on End of the World scenarios' called ArmageddonOrNot.com, but I stopped maintaining it because it was depressing... yet, I still get 50-100 visitors a day, most of them to the page about The Mayan Calendar. Go figure. And the Mayan Doomsday is an important element in the convoluted plot of the webcomic Goats, and I suspect the comicker behind it does not intend to un-convolute anything until late in '12...
  • If the goats aren't on a pole, I aren't interested.
  • Do you think it will be dress-down Friday? I don't want to die in my work clothes.
  • Pull a sickie. Then go to the pub.
  • ...drink five pints, eat some peanuts and wait for a passing spaceship...
  • ...bring a towel...
  • What followed was a graphic recitation of disaster scenarios for 2012, including hurricanes, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions caused by solar storms, cracks forming in the earth’s magnetic field and mass extinctions brought on by nuclear winter. Not that I gave this any credence at all, but this part really lost me.
  • What, no zombies?? I refuse to subscribe to any apocalyptic revelation that doesn't have any zombies. The return of Quetzlcoatl?? Gimme a break. Bear Grylls will just reach up, grab him, tie him in a sheepshank for easy carrying, lug him around some desolate wasteland for a few hours, then whack his head against a tree and roast him for dinner, washed down with a big swallow of water squeezed from a colossal elephant poop.
  • I think there are crackpots forming in the earth's magnetic field.
  • Mr. Mickey & I honeymooned in Mexico. It was interesting to learn from a tour guide that our wedding vows were good for only 8 more years.
  • 2012, huh? I keep telling you people Hillary would only last one term, but you will persist in your crazy liberal wet-dreams.
  • Can we move that date up a bit? I've got things I need to do in the afterlife.
  • Apocalypse WHEN?!?
  • I think I'll take up crack around 2010, I hear it's fantastic but hard on the pocket. I prefer Art Bell to George Noory; especially when it comes to pandering.
  • Curious George: So lets say that the earth doesn't blow up in 2012, but a giant spaceship comes and agrees to take whoever wants off of this planet. Given the choice of staying on earth or leaving, what would you do?
  • So on that day, all of the remaining Maya edifications and monuments, aligned to the equinoxes and the sun and the stars will default to 0000? Ah, and we laughed at those stingy programmers and their Y2K bumbling... I've seen archaeologists fume againts this 'end times' eschatonic interpretation of the calendar. "It's just a calendar, based in a cyclic view; had their civilization survived, they would just have begun the cycle again". But hey, another excuse for a endtimes party!
  • First off, fooliosis: where are we going? A 'cultural exchange' expedition, like that Serpo project mentioned here? Or to become guinea pigs? Slaves? Are they going to 'serve us'..?
  • You don't know where you would be going or what you would be doing when you left, you would just leave the planet with whoever wants to go and let the chips fall where they may. Maybe they anal probe you. Maybe they give you your own planet and 10,000 virgins. You wont know until you get there.
  • Well, somewhere in a private place, I've packed my bag for outer space. I'm waiting for the right pilot to come.
  • If they are more like those sexy Greys than slimy, drippy, Giger-esque Aliens, I'd give it a shot. Note to self: don't forget to pack extra lube.
  • but a giant spaceship comes and agrees to take whoever wants off of this planet. Aiieee! It's a cookbook! To be honest, I think I would stay. This world is mine, and despite all the things we decry, it still has much to recommend it. Send me a postcard.
  • What if the world don't really end, but instead it just sloooooooows down. See? Just liiiiikkkkke thiiiissss aaaaaand it'll taaaaake fooooorever to ccccchhhhhange the cccchhhannel. Or maybe not. Mayb evythng it spd up!
  • ...an yr fvrit tv shw it ovr in tw2 secnd!
  • Freaky website, H! Daniel Pinchbeck says: "The trickster element undermining all future predictions is the reality of the psyche, and the possibility that psychic energy could be harnessed for purposes of planetary transformation." I am right now terraforming Uranus..... oops, missed a spot.
  • I'm telling you, it's a simulation, people.
  • I don't FEEL simulated. Or stimulated.
  • You're probably doing it wrong, wendell. You gotta use a really strong grip.
  • Hah! The Maya's time was over centuries back! Suck it, indigenous culture. Didn't see the smallpox coming, didya?
  • Hmmm, good point.
  • Huh, that's right. Their own personal apocalypse, they missed it!
  • Hah! The Maya's time was over centuries back! Suck it, indigenous culture. Didn't see the smallpox coming, didya? That's a common misconception. The Mayan culture didn't die, the infrastructure of the civilisation decentralized for some currently unknown reason and the cities were abandoned for a more pastoral existence. The culture and people carried on and changed with the times like anyone else might. Ask anyone on the Yucatán with an abundance of copal.
  • There are many theories about just what caused the collapse. One of those I find intriguing is that of an uprising that seized power from the theocrats and their control of the calendar-based schedules for planting and harvest of the crops. And yes, their age of splendor was already long gone when the european conquerors arrived.
  • It's intriguing, but like most claims it's more hypothetical than theoretical (despite the interesting evidence in contemporary sites like the decapitations at Teotihuacan). Although my favorite "theory", and what seems to be the most sound from what I've read so far, for the infrastructural collapse has to do with need outweighing surplus because of overcentralisation; in other words, the old standby of societal hubris. I'm so creative.
  • I just noticed my flip-flopping on the use of 's' or 'z' in nominali(s/z)ation. For those of you who want to know, it's the epitome of being Canadian: torn between emulating the antics of your older "loud" brother and your older "cultured" brother. That's why we take figure-skating and boxing and meet with hockey.
  • Gah... like most Archaeological claims... eh?
  • > an uprising that seized power from the theocrats and their control of the calendar-based schedules The end of the chronocracy?
  • Theologians They don't know nothing About my soul