July 20, 2007

  • Pretty creepy.
  • Just out of curiosity: do any monkeys collect action figures? Of any variety? Or, if not collect, display a few figures in some way?
  • I used to have a Lt. Worf action figure sitting in the toothbrush hilder in my bathroom. Do Hello Kitty figurines count?
  • I'm marketing my own range of quidnunc figurines. Thrill at the joy of manipulating my movable limbs - quiver with delight as you wipe down my washable plastic surface - gasp with pleasure as you mount me upon a separately sold yet competitively priced diorama setting. Email's in the profile.
  • Instead of mounting you on a diorama setting, I plan to have all of my other action figures mount you.
  • Great, my action figure gets more action than me. This is the exact opposite of irony.
  • quid figures: I love it when the grandkids bend the arms and legs into weird angles and then twist the head off. Then I give it to the dog, and let them drag it out and leave it in the horse poo. Eventually it gets raked out and put in the trash where it eventually ends up in the stinky landfill. A fitting end, don't you think?
  • But then in the landfill, I think it would find a stray head off some other action figure or doll or something, and return as The Quidnunc Kid Barbie, or GI Quid, or the one all the kids love, Quid-With-a-Half-Smushed-Cherry-Tomato-Head.
  • There's a lot of hate in your comment there, Bluehorse - but as long as you keep purchasing replacement figurines to torture my business plan remains sound.
  • quid for resident!
  • Come now Quid, no hate. We're talking about a plastic representation, right? Surely if you're mass-producing these things for public consumption, you're not that emotionally attached. It's not like your SOUL resides in these things, is it? inserts another pin into crotch
  • Quid, I have an issue with your action figure. When I ordered it, the ad specifically said "Life-like". Imagine my surprise when I opened the box and found that my new Q-Boy Doll ™ had an oversized taint. I do not feel this is a true representation how the doll should look. I understand these are made in China and quality control issues can be a burden but an oversized taint truly nullifies any enjoyment I could possibly receive from said product. I have filed a dispute with Paypal™ over the issue and expect a full refund.
  • As long as they're not voodoo figurines...
  • Argh, according to the User Manual: "oversize taint mean portion of quidnunc soul invested in product is gone rancid. Please to keep toy away from knives, matches, infants, electrical goods and beer. Restore normal doll functions with emersing unit in holy water. Power of Christ is compelling you".
  • I "emersed mine in holy water" and it exploded. Can I get the set of Rock 'Em, Sock 'EM Petesbests instead?
  • That's funny, I put mine in regular water, and it expanded to 100 times it's normal size. Guess it was the Beta version: Grow-a-Quid. Then the dog chewed his butt off.
  • On a side note, I want her shirt.