July 16, 2007
No @#&!, Sherlock:
This Week in the Very Obvious.
Ooh! Ooh! Mr. Kotter! Mr. Kotter! I would like to nominate the story about people who get struck with lightning also getting burned by their iPods!!
Up ya iPod wid a rubbah tie rod!
... erectile disfunction ... the pills helped them have sex, but that didn't mean the sex was any good. Well,hmmmmm. Doesn't say for who. I'm guessing for anybody involved. My guess is it's a mental thing for guys--oh, look, I haven't seen my little buddy for ages! I can tell you the opinion on Vi@gra of some of the wives over 55 I've talked with: Meh. And damn, I sure hate that shit advertised in my email!
Monkeyfilter: meh
The Japs have viagra flavour ice cream.
Those wives just aren't taking enough of it then.
McGill University Health Center researchers say that wearing a helmet decreases soccer players' chances of being hurt when struck in the head by a ball That's simply brilliant.
My favorite Howard Cosell quote of all time (and you have to imagine it said in his nasal New Yorkish voice): "You have an uncanny grasp of the obvious." (In fact, I have been trying to get "UGOTO" accepted as an acronym for years) I wonder if you can guess what ABC Sports colleague he said it to...
That's simply brilliant. Especially because it implies there was a control group.
I wonder if you can guess what ABC Sports colleague he said it to... Hahahahaha...
My grant writing finger is getting itchy.
This just in! Elbows bend!!1!!!!111111 Oh, and what is good health but the slowest possible rate at which one can die? Think about that one!
This just in! Elbows bend Well, generations of kids DO get most of their anatomy lessons from Barbie dolls... ;-)
(not)BTW: Anyone heard from Gomi?
She checked in on the MetaFilter earthquake thread earlier today.
gomi was fine and chatting in #mofirc up until 16.30GMT when she very sensibly went to bed, it having been a worrisome sort of day -- there had been another quake after the one she was talking about in the mefi thread, but thankfully all well with her and her loved ones. come to #mofirc and chat with us! you know you want to!
I'm fine, too. Thanks for asking.
When Gomi has her magic boots on she's invulnerable, like Achilles on steroids.
Hi kids! Thanks for the concern! I'm fine here - I'm on the opposite side of Honshu from where the bigger quakes hit. So we've had a few quakes here in the level 3 on the Japanese scale range - which are enough to make you pay attention, but not enough to do damage. It's been pretty horrible seeing the images from Niigata - over 300 homes have been flattened, and there have been deaths and injuries. Thankfully the tsunami were not so big - and didn't hit us here. Poor Niigata though. Being in a level 6 quake would be terrifying. gomi xxxx
Whew, Gomi, that's all good then. Back to your regularly scheduled grasp of the obvious, kids.
...which means, "carry on."
Glad you o.k., gomi.
It was a slow week in self-evident research...
Much of this week's more self-evident research involved race and ethnicity.
Did you know that clumsy kids who are bad at sports are often rejected by their peers?
*fidgets, waits to be chosen for dodge ball
Cocaine Lowers Inhibitions, Young People Have Sex on Vacation and Other Obvious Science
Teenage Sex Won't Ruin Your Life, Britney and K-Fed Are Screwed Up
College Students Want to Be Thin, Babies Like Nice People
High School Students Drink to Escape and Other Obvious Science
No @#&!, Sherlock: The Alcohol Edition