July 07, 2007
Striking perspective shift illusion
(possibly NSFW, and apparently hosted by a sex toy site). Via MindHacks, which has more background on the effect.
Here are more from Burning Man, via BB long ago.
EARTHQUAKE! Oh, no. Never mind. *crosses eyes, leaves thread
MonkeyFilter loves MindHacks.
All it did was make me kweezy.
I knew I'd seen stereo images on MoFi before...
InsolentChimp beat me to it.
Ah, yes, that technique is quite simple but tricky to shot. Here's two examples I made some time ago, after seeing that BB post.
Dagnabit, I knew I'd seen it before, but I couldn't find it. And I tried so hard... *sob* Ah well, maybe if you look at mine and Argh's posts back and forth really fast, MoFi will be 3-D! The next best thing to having actual faeces thrown at you!
Namaste, bitches!
Nice, Flagpole!! And I missed this first time around.
I saw this about ten years ago done in video with a special lens and, although the perspective shifts were not so pronounced, the image still have a vibrating, buzzy feel to it. It was neat to see "3-D" on a regular video screen though.
Nine Brain Quirks You Didn’t Realize You Had (Maybe)