July 01, 2007
I seriously have a problem writing notes and memos by hand. Typing is no big deal. Several of my coworkers of the same age are having the same problems. It's not that I CAN'T do it, but my handwriting (which wasn't great to begin with) has seriously degraded in recent years. Also, I grew up during the pre-Internet age. (I remember putting the dial up phone on the modem cradle). However, I can't imagine doing my job without the distractions of the Internet now. From Monkeyfilter to ebaumsworld, I don't know what I'd do with my downtime without the interaction of the web. Just curious as to what some of our Monkeys did pre-Internet to slack. I know this is kind of a schizophrenic post, but I'm really curious about the two aforementioned subjects...
I had a lifeI read more. Cleaned house more. Watched TV. Was outside more.