June 12, 2007

NYC Short Notice Meetup? Got some big apple biz tomorrow. Who's free for a beer after?

I'm flying into Laguardia this morning, taking in a few meetings, hobnobbing with a few nobs, post-7ish the evening's mine. Anyone interested?

  • *seethes*
  • drop me an email fes. I'm downtown in the LES
  • Does "NYC" mean "North Yee-haw! Carolina?" If so, count me in.
  • *joins the Cap'n in damning you damn dirty NYC apes to hell*
  • I demand photos.
  • i demand restitution
  • I'm in Midtown, but not sure if I'm able to make it on such short-notice. But, for you Fes, I may be able to make an exception. Forks, as I recall, you stood us up at the last NYC meetup to see some some young, talented female artist (who's name now escapes me) perform. Though, I'm half-tempted to meet just to see if the neti pot hype is really all that. Cap'n, are you still on for your NYC visit this fall?? I'll see where tomorrow leaves me. I'll be able to decide after the morning pans out... *curses self for having checked the filter so late*
  • After further consideration, and having glanced at my lackluster wardrobe, perhaps I will be ashamed to show up in my misaligned duds while in your ever well-informed fashionable presence, Fes. I mean, I don't even know if I have matching socks available tomorrow. *digs through drawers and finds nothing but spare diapers and socks without mates* My shoes, for goodness sake, are in utter disarray! *panics to find shoe wax* My ties! Oh, for shame!!! *hangs head in despair*
  • Mind you, ^ those are baby diapers I refer to, not the adult variety!
  • Got a small bum have you sugarmilktea?
  • Better to hobnob with nobs than with hobbledehoys. Wish I was there.
  • Everyone wants to go to New York, but what about Old York? What about Old Pork for that matter? And why doesn't someone get me some? I demand Old Pork.
  • Cap'n, are you still on for your NYC visit this fall?? Yes, but I still haven't decided exactly when. If I go Labour Day weekend, I can still catch the Barney's Warehouse Sale, and the Richard Serra exhbit at the Moma, but there'd be too many other distractions -- spending a day at Robert Moses, watching the Mets stink -- which would seriously cramp into the errands I need to run. If I go Canadian Thanksgiving, I can get my errands done (mainly buying a suit, restocking at the Strand and Labyrinth), and also spend half a day getting a proper schvitz. Decisions, decisions...
  • You giant woofter.
  • You didn't have any complaints about it last night.
  • My mother told me never to speak with my mouth (half) full.
  • ...watching the Mets stink... In the first place, the Mets don't stink this year. In the second, as much as I hate those bums from the Bronx, Yankee Stadium is an awesome place to see a game, and one that's not gonna be around much longer.
  • Funny, when you're unconscious, your jaw just slides right open and I can get the whole thing in. Aaaand, I've gone too far. Kittens! Stat! Agreed, Rocket -- but I've never had any luck getting tickets for Yankee Stadium when I was in town.
  • Ahh yes, the schvitz! How could I have forgotten so soon... Keep me updated, Capt. Would love to plan something in advance. You mentioned McSorleys I believe?
  • and also spend half a day getting a proper schvitz. Decisions, decisions... Don't you mean "Deschvitzions?"
  • Fes, I'm still undecided at the moment - but would love to swing by wherever you may be meeting. I *just* now got your email (so it seems I did have some advance notice, but I failed to check my email - - my bad). Are any other monkeys in at this point? Forks (I seriously think you should bring the neti pot for some grand shout outs! Ahh, and it was Liz Phair.)? Immlass? Kimdog? Lara, I think you need to rent a car and drive over!
  • *gives gomi a wedgie*
  • Yeah, I'll come.
  • Oh - NEW York. Sorry, count me out.
  • I'd have had to leave an hour ago :( Can I get a shoutout?
  • Perhaps you DID leave an hour ago, and this post is just a thinly-veiled alibi! Shoutout denied!
  • All right, you potsnorkers! I totally expect a shout-out.
  • Oh - NEW York. Sorry, count me out. Who wants to see York 1.0? It's all AJAX and muggings these days.
  • You're just jealous becuase Constantine wasn't proclaimed Emperor in your precious "York II - York Harder," starring Bruce Willis.
  • Elitist Roman bastard.
  • I prefer "York III: The Yorkening" in which Jack Nicholson kills Scatman Crothers with a death touch move he learned from Frank Dux.
  • I thought it was Clint Eastwood killing Cab Calloway with a death touch move he learned from Frank Oz.
  • I'm going to a MetaFilter meetup in Tokyo on Friday. It's certainly going to be novel - all my MoFi meetups have just been me talking the ear off of an unsuspecting visiting Monkey..... *fishes undies out of bum crack, curses sugarmilktea*
  • *sigh* All of these Tokyo/London/LA meetups. You would think that NYC would be one of the "hotspots", but no. Perhaps NYC monkeys are just lurkers, too busy with the pace of daily life. I'm counting on Capt's visit to NYC this fall for an all-out, full-on, hardcore MEETUP! *blows party horn* *slips natto into gomi's dinner*
  • Like natto could phase me. I just caught and released (4 flights downstairs in the car park) spidey - I AM INVINCIBLE! stalking spider
  • *slowly backs away from gomi*
  • *simulates ninja action holding two cans of bug spray*
  • I got nothing. NOTHING! *sobs* Well, not nothing. Met a couple of Mefi expats and an old friend from here that now lives in Brooklyn. Next stop: Toronto, late July. Fair warning!
  • Which is to say: no shouties.
  • Damn you, NYC monkeys! DAMN YOU ALL TO HELLLLLLLLLL!!!
  • Just hit it with a shoe.
  • I applaud you, gomi. I relocate spiders, too. And usually get made fun of. *Glares at spider-saver-haters*
  • Don't kill spiders, they serve a purpose. Spiders are nature's wife-horrifiers.
  • I only kill the ones I know to be dangerous (re backs, funnel webs) most others I capture and release. This was a creepy one though - kept wanting to hang out near me. Mr Gomichild can't handle any creepy-crawlies so bug killin' and spider relocating is my job.
  • *red backs
  • I had a bug in my bathroom this morning that was quite beautiful. It had a longish body, an orange head with a red dot, and brown hard wings with a yellow outline. Just gorgeous.
  • OK, just did some searching. He was totally a firefly. Cool! P.S. BugGuide.net is fun!
  • kept wanting to hang out near me He just wanted to be your friend. He loved you, and you pushed him away! Is this how you treat all your friends, banishing them to the carpark?! *weeps inconsolably*
  • You clever detective, Lara! I just had a fun run-in with a firefly myself... I've always been fascinated with them.
  • Next stop: Toronto, late July. Fair warning! *begins preparations*
  • OK, true story. I found a Daddy Long Legs on my shoulder last night at rehearsal while I was singing and dancing a Tarantella. Everybody's a critic.
  • My Mom tells a story of all the kids in her family going out to catch fireflies in Mason jars. One was close to her cousin's head, so she clapped the jar right down on his noggin.
  • Lightning bugs, people. Lightning bugs.
  • oh I miss lightening bugs!! they don't hang in cali :(
  • Prepare some dinner, rocket. I managed to throw a nice clout of decent booze onto an empty stomach in NYC, which curtailed the festivities a bit.
  • I don't ever see them outside at night or anything where I live. Perhaps this little guy was lonely. But so cuddly cute! Maybe I shall adopt him.
  • I found a roach in the dishwasher last night. He was relocated to under MCT's shoe.
  • So wait... did this meetup happen or what? Who was there? Where are the pics? Where are our shout outs?
  • No happening, no one was there, there were no pics, there were no shoutouts. No mofites could make it. Can't blame them, it really was short notice.
  • I'm such a loser that I didn't even have time to give Fes a call on his cell phone and say hi! *hangs head in shame* Bad timing, workwise - I was stuck in the office late, and then had to rush home to the little ones... But if you are interested in a NYC shoutout, gomi, I will gladly add you to my list (a little shoutout project I have been pondering)
  • I *did* drink too much and wander around Manhattan a bit looking for my hotel :) I was not accosted unduly.
  • What a shame that I was abducted by my office, I'm sure there would have been a lot of fun to be had in NYC with a drunk Fes! *ponders another missed opportunity*
  • NYC slackers.....
  • Winnipeg is a mere hop, skip, and jump from Toronto. Hint. And I will be recovering from surgery then and I'll be oh-so-very lonely and bored! *cranks sypmathy dial to 11*
  • yes I meant to say sypmathy
  • Were you duly accosted, Fes? *Gives Koko a bucket of sypmathy.*
  • Not nearly as thoroughly as I would have liked.
  • How can we ever have a successful meetup anywhere if we can't even get two people together in New York City?
  • Because there are a million people in the naked city. Try a smaller town.
  • I think this meetup was the second proposed in NYC over the past two years. The previous one was also rather short-notice (still, a small group managed to gather and feast over perogies). Fes gave me a few days notice via email but, unfortunately, I hadn't checked it until after I saw this post. I'm hoping to get something organized to coincide with Capt's tenative trip to NYC this fall. We're all going for schvitz too! Well, ok, maybe that's a bit too much, no?
  • schvitz pix plz thx
  • As an experiment, I may be planning a meet-up someplace that no one lives like in the Gobi Desert or in Canada. Then we could see if there is some sort of reverse NYC thing going on.
  • Hey, if the Cap'n is coming down in fall, that's good with me. I'm...I'm going to the Mefi MA meetup this weekend. (hides in shame) I will shoutout to MoFi.
  • Mefi, Mofum Have a meetup, no one comes.