June 09, 2007

OMG I'm 13 again! [YouTube] Star Trek Bloopers, in all their dark, grainy glory. Cheesy, sometimes almost impossible to see, but still funny. And definitely much

When I was 13, I went to my first ever Star Trek Convention, and I bought a Star Trek Blooper tape. It cost $25, which was a fortune back then, and I was a bit disapointed because it was so grainy and clearly distorted from being copied and copied and copied. I thought I had been ripped off - but now I realise that all of the tapes about in fandom were like that. And now I see it again, 17 years later, online - it's the exact same tape/reel. I feel so nostalgic. But then again, I don't remember any Homestarr Runner on that tape... More Classic bloopers - the second part of the reel (third still to follow) - and some explosions, and Next Gen Bloopers, and more Next Gen bloopers Also Star Trek: the sitcom, What would happen if the Enterprise ever encountered the Death Star, and (posted previously) the wonderfully editted Starships of the Round Table Also, just because I feel like completely overloading this post with geeky goodness, Doctor Who and the French Dalek. (all links directly to YouTube videos, probably will turn you geeky if you aren't already)

  • *is in awe of jb's geekiness. (in a good way).*
  • *I am in awe of just how much time I've wasted on YouTube today, but hey! I'm seeing Red Dwarf for the first time in over a decade. Which is good.*
  • *worships jb's geekiness from afar, augmenting the distance*
  • I watched about 30 minutes of the 1996 Doctor Who TV Movie. Then it just became too terrible to bear.
  • I don't know why, because we heard him cuss in the theatrical movies, but there was something mind-blowing about seeing the TV version of Cptain Kirk say "s--t." I hadn't realized that TV-Kirk and Movie-Kirk were so separate in my mind.
  • TV Kirk liked the alien ladies. Movie Kirk liked Spock and Bones.
  • I heartily approve of this post
  • I used to own this tape, too. It was a cast-only reel that was given out at a party once. Never intended for any kind of public viewing. That's why the crappy quality. It started out that way. So said the commander of the Klingon club I was in in jr. high...
  • Don't you mean Klingon "Klub?" Seriously, you guys!
  • God, I love those Star Trek miniskirts. Always have. They'll never be improved upon. I mean, jumpsuits? C'mon, that's so Day the Earth Stood Still. And "Kiss the Star of the Ship Captain" chick looks like the woman on Law and Order. Are they related, I wonder? Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go wank to the green woman. Again.
  • Today is the 20th anniversary of the premiere of Star Trek: TNG. Now's the time to get myself some Geritol.
  • Yes!! I was a freshman in college, and about 25 people gathered in my dorm room (it was a quad) to watch it. Pass the Romulan Metamucil ....
  • Not heard of this "The Star Trek", is it any good?
  • You could go along to the second annual Furries vs Klingons Bowling Challenge this weekend and find out, muteboy...