June 09, 2007
Clark and Michael.
"What have I always said is the most important thing?"
I'm not sure what that was, but that was great, Aah, George Michael, you never are as creative as you are when you're 17...
At first I thought - two cameras? That breaks the reality mood. But then they worked it in - they've hired people to go around filming them. I have to admit though - it's very good, but I would be more interested if it were NOT about the entertainment industry. There is already so much navel gazing about Hollywood that I'm tired of it. Why not make mockumentries about ordinary people, like grad students? They are the real salt of the earth types, just living life, surfing the web, reading dead languages or running up million dollar bills in equiptment requests. That would be so much more realistic and relatable than Hollywood.
They made it about the entertainment industry because that's what they know. They know anything about ordinary people because they've never been there. Only ordinary people could be successful at a mockumentary about ordinary people.
I know, but it makes me sad that so many people in the entertainment haven't been anywhere else. Have they not been students, coffee shop workers, done a summer or a year in a factory or on a farm? Also, I'm totally convinced that my grad student show would be a hit. or even better - a grad student reality show! There could be a 24 hour camera, just like Big Brother. Watch the grad student make tea/coffee. Watch them read/look at their computer/even do both at once! Will they get their paper done in time, or will they still be writing it on the train to the conference? It would be thrilling stuff. (I'm just positive there much be some powerful Hollywood people here on Monkeyfilter, and if I just push this enough, they will see my genious and pick it up. Only it was actually Dreadnought's idea, so I'll let him have a credit, maybe.)
I guess, in other words - it's all very well to write what you know, but when what you write is the same as everyone else is writing, it doesn't stand out.
Mr. K. wins!