May 30, 2007
Wine scandal leaves Sausalito with a bad taste.
Report on the arson cited in the article here.
Wow. That'll be a good book.
Absurd hyperbole of the day: "This is the act of a sociopath." How about the work of a criminal wine lover who was out for his own enrichment and to enhance his collection, perhaps?
Why did they bold the word "wine" every time they used it? I feel like I'm missing something important.
I think it's HawthorneWingo's search term. How embarrassing! HEY HAWTHORNE! EVERYONE CAN SEE YOUR SEARCH TERM!!!
Oh no they can't you jerkface. Even if they can, so what. But they can't. That's not my search term. That's...something else. Anyway, I'm not listening I can't hear you. So shut up. Jerkface.
Hey everybody, if I were you I wouldn't listen to a word Nickdanger says, 'cause he's a jerkface and he smells like a funky hoodie.
I feel the need. The need... for MEAD!
war on terroir?
Well, Saucalito has certainly been comfortable with scandalous characters, in the past. Some years ago they might have liked the taste, but I'm not sure they would now.
Oh, and, if you wonder what Walter Keene paintings here ya go., Sort of like anime without the animation.
HEY LOOKIE! HAWTHORNE'S SEARCH TERM IS HANGING OUT!! HA. HA. IseeHawthorne'ssearchterm.IseeHawthorne'ssearchterm.IseeHawthorne'ssearchterm.IseeHawthorne'ssearchterm.IseeHawthorne'ssearchterm.IseeHawthorne'ssearchterm.IseeHawthorne'ssearchterm.IseeHawthorne'ssearchterm. nanny nanny boo boo! Oh, and if you made that mess, Pete, PICK IT UP!
Wine, when it runs in abundance, enhances/ The reckless delight of that wildest of dances! If I have to have it stuck in my head, so do you.
What an amazing story. Thanks for the link, HW.