May 24, 2007


Via... (shudder) Via... (ugh...) Via... I can't even say. Cuz it's so dirty.

  • Say it 'aint so... Is it just me, or did there seem to be an overabundance of the words rape and penis used in those? RIP LOLCAT
  • I'd bananinate it.
  • Suck it, whigs.
  • This one is funny. I think.
  • I did get a kick out of "ROFL-MAO."
  • "Dey be stealin my prezidency" is my favorite, and the reason I posted the link.
  • I'm still surprised "lolitician" hasn't entered the vernacular, given lolrus and lollusc...
  • ROFLMAO always reminds me of the song "Bird is the Word" whenever I see it.
  • That would be "Surfin' Bird", but why pick nits.
  • Funny, I always think of a singing anus when I hear that song. No idea why.
  • I have never in my life thought of a singing anus. But I suppose that's why Baskin Robbins has 31 flavors.
  • Funny, I always think of a singing anus when I hear that song. No idea why. You were saying?
  • that wasn't exactly what I had in mind, but I am sure, JW would appreciate the, er, mash-up.
  • Except for the rapin' ones, I enjoyed them. Chalk me up as a loozr.
  • It's disturbing how "rape!" seems to be gaining acceptance as a punchline. Anyone else noticed this?
  • I did notice, that's why I pointed it out in my initial comment. I found it somewhat disturbing, but not really all too surprising. I suppose the term can be used to convey the feelings of a different form of "rape" other than just sexual assult. Nonetheless, the casual use of the word cannot be a good thing IMHO/YMMV/ETC...
  • Have you seen the ATHF "Hand Banana" episode? The big joke is that this dog-thing is repeatedly raping Carl. Extremely creepy and not at all funny. After I saw that, I started noticing the "rape=LOL" trend all over the internet. I'm assuming that most of the people making these jokes aren't seriously advocating sexual violence and are more getting their kicks from playing off a "forbidden" area of humor, but, yeah, this suddenly cavalier attitude seems like it might be pointing toward a more insidious trend.
  • it might be pointing toward a more insidious trend. Mel Brooks started it.
  • It seems to be right on schedule. NSFW text
  • Mel Brooks started it. I know there have always been jokes dealing with rape, and encompassing a wide spectrum of humor, but it seems like a crass "rape for it's own sake=funny" trend is becoming incredibly prevalent now. In other words, I'm not talking about some sort of finely crafted Sarah Silvermanesque level of shock-humor here, but rather a multitude of netizens saying "I'm gonna rape you" to each other and then laughing uproariously, as evidenced in this Fark thread. I guess this probably isn't the impending "DOWNFALL OF SOCIETY!!!" or anything, but still, it weirds me out. Kids today, right?
  • so what's this "bukket" thing?
  • Bukket
  • Wow! Pow! How?
  • It's not a multitude of netizens, it's Fark. Rape being funny there doesn't make it incredibly prevalent.
  • I mean that I've seen this exhibited in plenty of other places as well. Admittedly, it tends to be among the "Fark-like" set...
  • "It's 'Bouquet!'"