May 23, 2007

Shark Virgin Birth confirmed. A Bonnethead shark has given birth by parthenogenesis. It's not the first time for sharks, a Bamboo shark has done this before.
  • "For unto us a shark is born, unto us a predator is given; and the entire ocean shall be upon his dorsal fin, and his name shall be called Wonderful Chomper, Mighty Jaws, Everlasting Swimmer, Prince of Pieces."
  • Aaaaaaaaaaaa - meeeeeeeeeeen!
  • And we get virgin olive oil through Parthenonogenesis. um...Right?
  • Surprising a kind of back-up parthenogenetic facility isn't more common. I know sexual reproduction has various advantages, but you'd think the ability to slip a clone of yourself back into the population, just once in a lifetime, maybe, would give you a significant evolutionary edge.
  • MonkeyFilter: a kind of back-up parthenogenetic facility Pleg: yeah but we have TV. So, like, we win. I guess.
  • Meh parthenogenesis is like soooooo thousands and thousands of years ago.... all the cool species prefer more genetic variation.
  • "A hammerhead shark, a close relative of the bonnethead, a species that a study has found is capable of 'virgin births'. Photograph: John Bazemore/AP" They couldn't even be bothered to get a picture of the right kind of shark? Still pretty cool.
  • And we get virgin olive oil through Parthenonogenesis. I thought that was Pomegranogenesis.
  • Call me when three anchovies fetch up bearing gifts.
  • Makes sense: last time, he was like a lamb. But watch it punks, this time around he came back with teeth...
  • images of bonnethead shark More like a shovel than a hammer.
  • Yeah, Girlz rulez!
  • Oh Abiezer - everyone knows it's the three Wise Bream you gotta look out for...
  • What kind of name is "bonnethead" for a shark? I mean, it's a SHARK. How about something like "Gravedigging-Spade Head" or "Innard-Scooping-Spoon Head" or "Blunted-Paleolithic-Spearhead...Head." "Bonnethead" makes me think of an aquatic Holly Hobby. The old one, of course. Not the new.
  • It reminds me of the training shoes in Seinfeld.
  • Bet those boy bonnetheads are feeling pretty superfluous right now.
  • Hey, Parthenonogenesis is not good for the species, ok? (come on girls, for the species).
  • I kinda like "bonnethead". It's playful. Insouciant. Kicky! Bonnethead Johnson starring in the new motion picture, "All The Lovely Flowers"! etc.
  • Lawdy, no...Bonnethead Johnson sho' ain't insouciant!! Unh-huh...he jes' a Delta blues harp blower wit a hellhound on his trail.
  • *wails*