May 15, 2007

Phew! TV Station uses homebrew rinkydink fake IDs to board planes. But is the threat to us coming from the TSAs ineptitude? Or is it something more sinister

Of course, this story got me thinking what if the TSA had done their jobs... I understand the principality of this, but she's lucky she doesn't have a cell reserved in Guantanamo...

  • By the above, I mean: Isn't is more appropriate to notify the "proper" authorities, instead of doing this yourself for a news spot? It's akin to the hacker who was trying to "help" the company he broke into, in a way.
  • The problem is that the "proper" authorities are a bunch of punitive, morally crippled micreants that are conditioned to react harshly at any suggestion that they are just playing a walk-on part in a passion play of safety theater.
  • via boingboing btw...
  • Congrats to KCTV... I thought real investigative journalism was dead. It is astonishing how this completely undermines the integrity of the no-fly list system. On the downside this will only help support for a national ID.