May 11, 2007

"My cow has two noses." "How does she smell?" "Terrible."

Yeah, it's a weak FPP. But it's fifteen minutes to go on a Friday afternoon -- quality is bound to slip. Pleggy I ain't.

  • "Mark Krombholz had to look twice at his new calf, Lucy — one time for each nose." Now that's a lead sentence! With great journalism like this, there is no danger whatsoever of our reporting jobs being, say, outsourced to India.
  • Oh, and did you look past those two noses to the gorgeous brown eyes? She's beeyootiful!
  • She is indeed a cutie, if a freak. Sorta like kit.
  • MutantFilter?
  • That's the Third Sign of the Apocalypse. Expect rivers of blood before the end of the year, brightening later.
  • the second nose looks like a pig nose to me.
  • Siamese noses joined at the cow.
  • So it's a cow with two noses--no reason to be all snooty about it!
  • It's a simple genetic mootation.
  • *leaves thread in udder disbelief*
  • Those puns are creamy. Com'on guys, let's milk this for all it's worth.
  • Well, we cud make more puns, if you Ayrshire you have the stomach four them. And if the thread has rumen it. Otherwise we could just sit around quoting Madame Bovinae.
  • Maybe that's butter...
  • Why TUM, that was absolutely bovine!
  • No bull!
  • I was poised to toast all of you with a half a glass of beer, but by George, I'll toast you all with a holstein.
  • No calf-measures for Ralph!
  • Close the window! It's fresian in here.
  • No one can accuse Ralph of being a cow-ard when it comes to the suds. He doesn't care who drinks with him, he just wants to share the bill half-and-half. Veal see who can keep up with his drinking. I may be able to handle two glasses, but I doubt if I can heifer without falling down. Hey, Ralph. Got Beer?
  • *Hops into the lager room*