May 02, 2007

Remember Monkeygifts? I was wondering if anyone was interested in reviving our grand old tradition of exchanging presents, to express our mutual love and admiration for each other plus I have a bunch of stuff that I'm dying to give away coughcough. Anyway, to those new(er) to this, see previous threads here, here and here.
  • Melinika's traditionally been the one to organize the exchange, but since she is getting ready for a fifth addition to her family, I can do it for one exchange, and perhaps the next one?
  • Even though I'm somewhat new to MoFi and I'm just a high school kid still living with my parents, I think I'm in on this one.
  • Count me in again! I also have something like 5 (I'm at work, they aren't, I can't remember exactly how many were left after the experiment) small plush monkeys I do not need. Depending on the size of the group, I may just randomly send them out. Or if someone can't get around to exchanging, they can have one. Stupid bulk monkey purchases.
  • Oh, gosh, well. I've never actually participated in any Monkey exchange, but provided that the expectations are low, I'll put my mystery bag into the pot. So... what happens now?
  • Oooh! Mystery bags of pot!
  • bags of pot??? I'm in, I'm in, I'm in!
  • hey you kids! Stay outta mah stash!!!! i'm in.
  • I'll pass on the first exchange until I've finally got organised and posted the last one. (Sorry, 'Nika.)
  • I think it might be fun. But then i'm not sure monkeys would really want any of the crap that I'd be giving away.
  • Hey, SB! I'm already giving away crap! Try a little originality, k?
  • Me too. I'm cleaning out the basement. and i'm kinda a packrat.
  • I'm in. Yeah, I'm mostly a lurker, but I want in!
  • Totally in again! Even though my internet access remains sporadic at best... *waves to monkeys, hugs neddy*
  • Damnit Nick, there's only room enough for one crap-slinger. But let's see if y'all can beat this for craptastic-ness: One bright red boxing glove (don't ask); a pair of ski goggles (i don't ski); a tiny teddy bear with a pencil stuck up its bum (i didn't do it); a three volume biography of Abraham Lincoln missing the second volume...
  • ...a woolen cow kleenex holder, one really ugly white fluffy shoe, a pair of salt/pepper shakers that hold less than an ounce of stuff so you have to refill them after each use, a puzzle book with "farty" written on the cover, a slingshot (actually i'm keeping that), a slinky, a tiny tiny 2" square book on organic gardening....
  • The response both here and on LJ has been really heartening! OK, for those who have not joined LJ, please go to and get yourself a free account. Then request to join the Monkeygifts community here. The link should work. If it doesn't, go to the Monkeygifts LJ community, and click on "Join this community".
  • somcak, are you also zippyzing on LJ? I'm giving away a dusty half-used post-it pad, some computer screws, an external floppy drive, the battery cover from a Motorola V60 cellphone, some used baby toys and a chunk of fridge cheese.
  • err... somcak, if you are zippozing on LJ, would you prefer to have somcak or zippozing ID as a member? It would be confusing with two identities. If you're not zippozing, could the monkey who is please email me? I'm sorry for being bureaucratic!
  • Just another little advice/refresher. The memories section of the community is very important. All new members please go there to pick up the survey template. That's where you put in personal information. All entries are locked so that only members can view them. However, if you feel uncomfortable about leaving your address there, you can also request that you be emailed for your address by the person designated to send a gift to you. You can also pick up information about the person you are sending to via the memories section. Just select the survey with that person's ID.
  • ok. I'm really sorry. It looks like a major case of crossed wires and we can't go through with the swap right now. I really am very sorry, but there's still alot of unresolved issues in Monkeygifts, so until we work them out, we can't really do a swap. This is entirely my fault, please accept my abject apologies. Please do still join the community if you are interested in swapping gifts, we will keep you all updated. *abases herself*
  • But I'd jut finished wrapping a bobble headed toy. *goes for garbage bag
  • *waits by mail box for bobble headed toy*
  • wut?
  • It's cause I joined, isn't it? /sniff
  • I'm really sorry. It's nobody's fault but mine on this. Shot myself in the foot, as it were. And taking everyone along with me. I'll just be handling memberships now. Announcements will be made later on when a swap will be arranged. Sorry if I pissed anyone off.
  • No worries, Alnedra. Just update us when you're ready.
  • I'm ready to start a monkeyauction on my version of this.
  • premature reallocation...
  • Then StoryBored will have to keep waiting. That damned premature explanations or whatever.
  • Can I remind everyone who has just joined us to use the survey template and email me with the filled survey? As a (rather dubious) incentive, I will write a letter to each monkey who joins up and gives me a complete template before the end of the month (^_^)
  • Survey template? Where or what?
  • Oh, my bad. Ok, go to the Monkeygifts profile, and scroll down to read the "About" section. You'll find the Member survey under the section named "Survey templates for members to use". Copy and paste that into your email, fill it in, and send it off to me. My email is in my Monkeyfilter profile.
  • I would like to take part. Does anybody like stale cigarettes?
  • That's a lot of questions!
  • None of the questions are compulsory, actually. But filling them in makes the gift-giver more confident that they are getting something you will actually like (^_^) Take your time, really!