April 30, 2007
Husband keeps sending me creepy films today.
Not sure what I did to deserve this. Good news is that I now know what to show to get unwanted visitors to flee my house in terror. My apologies is these were linked before. I did my best to search for them ahead of time.
I guarantee that this video will send anyone fleeing in terror.
I watched "Smile" and it gave me a bad feeling in the pit of my tummy. Should have known not to click on the word CREEPY!
six oh six wins.
Topolino: have you asked him what he's trying to convey with these little bouquets?
Rick Astley is white?!?!?! CREEEEPY!!! j/k
This has been posted before, but the old link doesn't work anymore... and it is delightfully creepy.
There's something very Patrick Bateman about the description of the Astley video...
Back in, oh, 2001, I saw Richard D. James' "Rubber Johnny". I stopped after "Don't breathe like that, it'll make you feel really strange." I couldn't continue--fake deformity or not, it has held "most creepy thing ever" in my heart for some time now. I couldn't find it until perhaps a year ago. It's still creepy. You probably shouldn't watch it.