April 25, 2007
Fascist America, in 10 easy steps.
By Naomi Wolf. Because it's been too long since we've enjoyed a good old skool "Bush sucks" thread. The intrepid H-Dawg posted this link here, but it seemed FPP-worthy.
I think that the concerns in the article are real. They might be exaggerated a bit, but they are real. But an important thing to keep in mind is that the US is fighting a group of people who do not fly a flag and do not wear uniforms. It makes the whole thing a lot different than it probably ever has been. I think that mistakes have and will be made. This whole military strategy is new for everyone. But I have faith in the system. I think that the dangerous practices and policies will be abandoned in favor of the more effective ones. We fought against flags and uniforms for 225 years. This is only our sixth year of this new style. Watchdogs are useful, but I think we will learn what the most effective and constitutionally harmless methods are.
Watchdogs are useful, but I think we will learn what the most effective and constitutionally harmless methods are. Rendition The Death of Habeas Corpus Torture Falsifying Intelligence Wire Tapping Yep, so far we've been really fucking harmless. .
I'm too tired and lazy to dig up the links right now, but y'all got a scary thing going on down there with the massive recent construction and renovation of internment compounds across the good old US of A. Last I read, there are 600-800 that have are maintained under FEMA/DHS, the average size is large enough to hold 20,000, and there has been one built in Alaska that can hold at least 500,000. Razor wire, guards, barracks, and no inmates. Just waiting to be filled. The question is, why build them if ther is no intention of using them? I'll see about digging up some links tomorrow, unless someone else has 'em. I gotta go feed the screaming sprog now.
(OK, I'll admit a lot of the sources I've read are nutbar consipiracy theorists, but they do have some compelling evidence)
Yes, Bush sucks, and he also blows. I'd be really interested in those links fimbulvtr. Please do post them.
But an important thing to keep in mind is that the US is fighting a group of people who do not fly a flag and do not wear uniforms. It makes the whole thing a lot different than it probably ever has been. And just to try and keep this zombie of an idea under control - there is nothing new or different about terrorists, terrorism and the wearing/not wearing of uniforms.
I think that mistakes have and will be made. "Mistakes were made." Who made 'em? What were they? Who's going to take responsibility? How we gonna fix 'em. Past presidents have blown off their screwups before. I hope we hold this administration responsible for what they've done. That phrase is one of the scariest things that can be said by someone in a position of authority. It means your gonna get screwed, and I'm not. Yup, there are terrorists. There's a hella lot more terrorists then there were before Bush started his war, too. And lots of little terrorists coming up, because we've given them a reason to hate us.
But I have faith in the system. .
>>I think that mistakes have and will be made. This whole military strategy is new for everyone. But I have faith in the system. I think that the dangerous practices and policies will be abandoned in favor of the more effective ones. So, a knee-jerk, ill-advised, idiotic response which produces results directly counter to its intent is okay because, gosh darn it, we have to make SOME kind of response, right? No sense trying to get it right first time at bat when we can keep swinging again and again... I don't know where your "faith" in the "system" comes from, as you don't explain it, but rather than relying on hopes and dreams of how you wish it would go, I'd suggest looking at the humans and their behavior involved and extrapolating from there, if you want a reasonable idea of where things are headed.
Where's your state Homeland Security’s Civilian Concentration Camp? Where will you be incarcerated?
The over-riding genius of the 21st century facists is in their marketing: they don't call themselves facists ... they talk about defending freedom etc etc ... but as Naomi Wolf points out ... fascists they most certainly are
Okeydokey. Here are some links on FEMA and DHS internment camps. There are lots more links out there, and like I said, a lot of them are complete nutbars. The interesting thing is that it runs through the complete spectrum of conspiracy theory types -- everyone from right-wing wacko Christian extremists claiming the UN World Government is planning on taking over, to left-wing bush sucks USA is the new fascist empire types, to UFO nutters to survivalists wackjobs. What they all have in common is documented proof that these internment camps exist, and they ask the basic question "what the hell are they for?" Good question. I personally am leery of conspiracy theories on principle (Government is just not that organised, efficient, or capable of keeping secrets), but in this case you really have to wonder why the heck these places exist.
In the second fimbulvetr link, here's the spot that the author is talking about. I don't see no detention facility. I AM kinda freaked about the weird, oval roadways that have been carved out for miles and miles to the east of the water treatment plant that seem to have no purpose and no buildings placed alongside any of 'em. Just oddly-built, oval roads with even stranger entrance and exit roads that are there for no apparent reason.
Those oval roads look like access roads for high-tension power pylons. You can see the pylons in the satilite image inside the weird oval roads.
By George, I think you've got it.
Identifying ground objects is a skill I picked up from spending 3 years analysing aerial photographs and satellite images for a living. That, and it wrecked my eyes. Never really needed glasses before I had that job.
I dunno. Looks like a sewage treatment plant to me.
That would be appropriate.
there is nothing new or different about terrorists, terrorism and the wearing/not wearing of uniforms. I beg to differ. The uniforms were the main recruiting tool.
I wouldn't put it past this administration to set up labor/concentration camps, but the "evidence" in every page that I clicked on seemed shaky at best. I think, at least at this point, this is tin foil hat material. BTW, I'm not saying the potential for this isn't there, but I grew up and lived in many of the areas in Southern California where these supposed camps "exist". Most of what was described is exactly what it is purported to be, i.e. a sewage treatment plant, a military base, etc. Sure, they could all be converted, but so could a Walmart or a hotel.
Are you slagging my personal choice in headgear, Mr. Squid?
But what about the dancing Hitlers? Won't somebody please think of the dancing Hitlers?!?
Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) defends the U.S. rendition program At one point, Rohrabacher argued that imprisoning and torturing one innocent person was a fair price to pay for locking up 50 terrorists who would “go out and plant a bomb…and kill 20,000 people.” When members of the audience groaned, Rohrabacher said, “Well, I hope it’s your families, I hope it’s your families that suffer the consequences.” Yep. Nothing to see here. Move on, move on. via
Crazy, isn't it? And it was the people who spoke out against this absurdity that were ushered out of the room. Seems backwards to me!
California elected that douchebag?! I thought they were smarter than that.
"Congressman Dana Rohrabacher represents California's scenic 46th District. Stretching along the Pacific coastline of Orange County and Los Angeles from Huntington Beach to the Palos Verdes Peninsula, the district includes Huntington Beach, Costa Mesa, Fountain Valley, Seal Beach, Avalon, Rancho Palos Verdes, Rolling Hills, Palos Verdes Estates and Rolling Hills Estates as well as portions of Long Beach, Westminster, Santa Ana and San Pedro." Hmmm...
California elected that douchebag?! I thought they were smarter than that. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahaha! Ah ha! Ah hah! . . oh . . . . . . *snkkk*BWHAhahahahaha!!*cough* *cough* oh! Yes! Um. Heh. Sorry. *snkk!*
Rohrabacher told the witnesses that Nazi leader Adolf Eichmann would still be alive if they were in charge. Well, he would have to be 101 years old, so chances are he wouldn't. I suppose they could have elaborate life-support systems in place to keep him going, but if they didn't do that for Reagan, why would they do it for Eichmann?
California elected that douchebag?! I thought they were smarter than that. You give Californians too much credit. Major politicians who have won elected office here include congressmen Bob Dornan and Randy "Duke" Cunningham, and governors Ronald Reagan and Arnold Schwarzenegger.
I wouldn't put it past this administration to set up labor/concentration camps Now you're being silly. These are not labor/concentration camps. These are places for these people to go for safety to keep them safe from all the demented, liberal Americans. Damn liberal Americans made us build them! No they're not detention camps. For safety, I'm telling you.
"I don't know where your "faith" in the "system" comes from, as you don't explain it" The system has been more or less the same for over two hundred years. During that time, blacks were slaves,women couldn't vote, and people were arrested for being Communists. There are plenty of other awful things that have been done in this country, just like any other. But the US has fixed those and other terrible problems. The system fixed those problems. Because it is run indirectly by the people, it is self-correcting when the people are being harmed. Sometimes it takes longer than others. That is what I mean by having faith in the system. The watchdogs are good because they help to alert the public as to what is wrong or what is not working. Steps get taken to make improvements. It might not happen as quickly as people on here would like, but history shows that it does happen. That is why I don't think we are in danger of heading toward fascism. I think we are in the process of self-correcting over failed attempts to deal with a new problem. You might not like where the US is now freedom-wise compared to seven years ago, but I bet you like it a lot better than forty years or eighty years or a hundred years ago.
Those things have been fixed, but I'm not sure that it was by sitting back and having faith in the system to sort it all out. The abolitionist movement, for example, was very anti-system for a long time. It was through people challenging and expressing dissatisfaction with the system that reforms were adopted by those in power. Or maybe we're using two subtly different definitions of "system."
Wingnut, you're talking the the guy on train who tells his fellow passengers "Don't worry guys, everything will be fine. The system will fix the problems". The other passengers disagree with you but still.. your words manage to calm a few of them. After a long ride and more political discussions, the train finally slows to a stop. You stand and smile at the people in the traincar... you say to them "Have faith in the system". You step off the train and look around you. The first thing you see is a large sign. It reads.... Work Will Set You Free godwin
Yeah, I agree, it's better to live in abject, impotent fear.
Yeah, I agree, it's better to live in abject, impotent fear.
Is there an echo in here?
But an important thing to keep in mind is that the US is fighting a group of people who do not fly a flag and do not wear uniforms Be fair - some Democrats have flags. Some of them even wear uniforms. In related news, meanwhile, Dennis Kucinich moves to impeach Cheney. I particularly like his reason for impeaching Cheney rather than Bush - that if he successfully impeached Bush, Cheney would become president, and then he would have to impeach Cheney anyway. Bless.
I'm hoping things really will happen to restore my long-lost faith in the system. Meanwhile, I'll be very, very careful of what views I express, especially on a bumper sticker.
He says the Georgia Supreme Court struck down the “lewd bumpersticker” statute way back in 1991, in a case involving a defendant who had a “Shit Happens” bumpersticker. This shouldn’t keep happening 15 years later, he says.
Meanwhile, I'll be very, very careful of what views I express, especially on a bumper sticker. Or a t-shirt.
Fighting Fascism: The Americans - Women and Men - Who Fought In the Spanish Civil War
Is Imperial Liquidation Possible for America?
Fascinating article! My Congressman-writing hand is starting to itch! Our objective should be to strengthen the United Nations, including our respect for its majority, by working to end the Security Council veto system (and by stopping using our present right to veto). The sad thing is, this can never happen while the evangelicals are in charge. It's a tenet of dispaensationalist theory that any kind of global unity or world government is a tool of the Antichrist.
Another winning read, thanks homunculus. I believe that there is only one solution to the crisis we face. The American people must make the decision to dismantle both the empire that has been created in their name and the huge (still growing) military establishment that undergirds it. Say what? Does this involve giving up Tivo and saying goodbye to Myspace? I think not!! *joins the Paris Hilton jail-term debate instead*
pete, where are all of you??
global unity or world government is a tool of the Antichrist. My Infernal Masters have asked me to tell you that this is assuredly not the case. /Fes' nictitating membrane blinks
Very good piece. A shame that it'll never happen.
A shame that it'll never happen. *pulls iPod buds from ears* If it happened before, it can happen again. Though, it will be difficult to pull me away from my Mocha Latte Doppio Lite with Extra Syrup and Splenda... *shoves buds back in*
Bush issues an executive order that makes it illegal to pay federal taxes. Right?
There's No Such Thing as the Homeland
Are We There Yet?
The Whitehouse Coup: Document uncovers details of a planned coup in the USA in 1933 by a group of right-wing American businessmen
Old-line Republican warns 'something's in the works' to trigger a police state
Hail Caesar
Best argument ever. Well written, too.
Government training clergy to "quell dissent"
Jesus Christ!
Guns are your friend. Own one today.
Read the Introduction to End of America Read Part Two of the Introduction to End of America
The Colbert Report: Naomi Wolf on Fascism in America
You are one bad-ass relevant-link-finding motherfucker, an educator of the Google-fu-less -- indeed, an online information ninja. We salute you.
Activist silenced for fear of surveillance.
Blackwater: Are You Scared Yet?
Wow, that's a frightening read. Thanks for posting.
Author Naomi Klein: America is succumbing to fascism
From the departing head of the American Enterprise Institute, spawning ground of the neoconservative "thinking" behind so much Bush administration policy: There is a movement afoot to treat the political views and interests of corporations as inherently suspect and in need of official supervision. Senators are warning firms not to advance incorrect views; pension funds, the accounting profession, and the plaintiffs bar are being deputized in various efforts to bring the corporation to political heel. This is a pernicious development. The corporation is the transmission belt of much of our saving, prosperity, and progress. It is the place where many Americans pursue their vocations and spend most of their lives. And it is the locus-point of tremendously valuable social intelligence -- information about society, economy, and technology that is to a unique degree generated by reality and analyzed with an eye towards something other than politics. Those who objurgate the corporation as an independent source of ideas and activism include the major media -- themselves corporations -- and political representatives -- themselves eager for corporate funding. But the Constitution affords them no monopoly on policy debate, and for them to acquire one would be dangerous to our social climate and political health. Isn't corporatism typically part of fascism?
Somewhere I read an interesting question that scared the heck out of me to contemplate. It was something along the lines of Who is going to cut the new paychecks for BlackWater employees when this war is over?
The corporation ... is the place where many Americans ... spend most of their lives. Alas, he doesn't recognize how sad that is.
And he doesn't feel that corporations can still function if they're subject to scrutiny, to make sure they're being run legally and ethically?
Sheriff Joe Arpaio Wants to Know What Websites You've Visited
America, Open For Business, Closed To Freedom
It’s Even Worse Than We Thought
The Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act: A Tutorial in Orwellian Newspeak
Civil Liberties and Terrorism
Liberal Fascism
Holy crap, that's hilarious.
Not you guys, the book guys. Total fishwits.
The Terror Train Bears Down
Creeping Fascism: History's Lessons
Let me reiterate: We can't say we haven't been warned.
Why Won’t Conservatives Offer A Serious Critique Of My “Republicans Are Really Stupid” Thesis?
Calling Out Jonah Goldberg
Jon Stewart interviews Jonah Goldberg
Oh boy - I really want to see all of that interview, not just the edited version that went to air. Goldberg had better hope he never loses his wingnut welfare.
Homeland Security charter school will train tomorrow's prison guards
This makes me not only sick to my stomach, but red in the face.
Almost Arrested for Taking Photos at Union Station
The Last Roundup: Is the government compiling a secret list of citizens to detain under martial law?
The Immigration Raids: Harbinger Of A Police State?
The War on Photography
Papers please.
“When Fascism Comes to America it Will be Wrapped in White Plastic Armor and Carrying a BlasTech E-11 Blaster Rifle” — Sinclair Lucas
In Tennessee, Eliminationism Is No Longer ‘Just A Joke’
Massive police raids on suspected protestors in Minneapolis
Federal government involved in raids on protesters
And as extraordinary as that conduct is, more extraordinary is the fact that they have received virtually no attention from the national media and little outcry from anyone. Sad to say, I just don't think anyone was that surprised.
Freedom. We don't haz it.
Not. Funny.
Scenes from St. Paul -- Democracy Now's Amy Goodman arrested
RNC Security Cracks Down On Poor People's March
Saw this set earlier today, but didn't know where to link it. As always, well-played Mr. Hand-dogg!
In other news: FBI Wanted Obama Plotters Charged, But A Rove Appointee Said No
St. Paul in the Hot Seat over Journalist Arrests
Caligula for President: Better American Living Through Tyranny
Newly released footage, which was buried to avoid confiscation, shows riot cops arresting and abusing a giant group of people for nothing.
Protesting nuns branded terrorists: Pair classified by state police; names placed on national list
The New Stabbed In the Back Myth
The Military Coup of 2012 Revisited
Bad Economy May Fuel Hate Groups, Experts Warn
Fox News "war games" the coming civil war
George W. Bush’s Disposable Constitution
Nothing new here, folks.
Does America Face the Risk of a Fascist Backlash? The Right's ability to capitalize on people's sense of grievance must not be underestimated.
That last link seems an awful lot like us.
Projection much? Glenn Beck warns: 'Fascism is on the rise'
Well, yesterday was April Fools Day, eh?
Glenn Beck’s America
Wait, was it Obama or the dog urinating?