April 23, 2007

MoFi Nashvegas Meetup? Any Nashville monkeys out there?

I'll be in Nashville this weekend for the half marathon. I and my wife will be meeting Mickey for lunch on Friday, tentatively at the Pancake Pantry on 21st Avenue South, across the street from the GREATEST USED BOOKSTORE EVER. The location is flexible if you're a dirty goddamn commie who hates pancakes and bacon. We have not committed yet to a firmer time than "lunch," so there's some wiggle room there too. Will there be photos? No, because I know you want them. Will outs be shouted? Depends on how much cash you send. Where can presents be sent? E-mail's in the profile. Also, if you can't make lunch Friday, I will almost certainly be getting pissed out of my mind in either a church pew or old Flatt & Scruggs tour bus seat in The Station Inn on Saturday night in celebration of my non-death on the streets of downtown Nashville.

  • I will be in Nashville for the weekend of June 30th. I would like Nashville monkeys to choose now between a meetup this weekend that centers around mct, or a meetup in late June that centers around me. Choose or lose.
  • I choose bernockle's meetup, because mct is being a jerk. God, you get a few Euro-meetups under your belt and you're all "I'm the meetup king so fuck y'all". Listen, man, I went halfway around the world, bravely met quidnunc by myself, survived the beers poured down my throat and managed to snap a few photos and leave with most of my money and dignity intact. The LEAST you can do is take a picture of Mickey, since we've already seen YOU a million times anyway, camera whore. GOD.
  • Okay, how about this: I draw a picture of Mickey on a cocktail napkin, drink a beer and then burp into a ziploc bag, and then mail them to you. Oh, and quidnunc might disagree with you on the dignity thing. Just sayin'.
  • In all seriousness, bernockle: It is possible (though probably unlikely, what with the pregnant wife) that I might be able to travel that weekend to meet you, and if I can, I'd really like to have a beer with you. Be sure to bump this thread or start your own when it's getting closer to time.
  • Make that 2 burp bags, and you've got yourself a deal.
  • sellout!
  • Dang it, people always meetup in places I've just left. Anyways, I just want to say that I love Bookman/Bookwoman. I used to spend my time huddled in the claustrophobic reference section...
  • Greatest used bookstore aside from Hannelore Headley's, obviously. The woman took on Hitler, and won. Then she took on Mao, and won. You don't fuck with the Hannelore. Whatever you guys decide, shoutout, photos, yada yada yada. Pfft. Greatest used bookstore that's not Hannelore. What. Ev. Er. She took on a Communist firing squad and won -- you'll be a cinch.
  • Pff. I could take her. I'll judo her ass.
  • Okay, I just read that bio page. To wit: Our narrow escape in 1939 to Shanghai, China and the subsequent years in the Jewish Ghetto of Hongkew under Japanese rule are vividly described in my autobiographical account, Blond China Doll. We remained in Shanghai after the war and were there when the Communists took over in 1949. Took on Hitler? More like ran away like a frightened kitten from Hitler! Unwilling and unable to answer any questions about his activities, I was placed in front of a firing squad. At the last moment, my interrogator rescinded the execution order and I was released. Took on Mao? More like got her ass saved because the Commies took pity on her! Given that she can't outrun me and I have no pity for old women, I will take this broad down.
  • Dude. Seriously. DO NOT FUCK WITH THE HANNELORE. You are dealing with powers beyond your comprehension. No offence.
  • The Hannelore is The Werzog in drag.
  • Despite any indication to the contrary suggested by their ages, legend has it that Hannelore sprung, fully formed and clothed in armor, from the head of the Werzog.
  • Hannelore eh? Okay I'll have one. And a small - no wait, a large - orange juice. Thanks
  • sorry, who's the Euro-meetup King?
  • Gave Werzog a headache, it did. The kind of headache YOU couldn't handle.
  • Woo hoo my first meetup AND pancakes! Does 1 pm work for you, mct? Apparently I'm the only monkey who will 'fess up to living in Nashville, but if any more are out there, I would LOVE to have some company at a meetup with bernockle. Seriously. ANYONE. Please.
  • Mickey has threatened me with bodily harm if there are no pancakes. I am both frightened and enticed by this new development. sorry, who's the Euro-meetup King? I have the tattoo and everything.
  • *demands requests shoutout
  • Absolutely! You want one with crutches, or without?
  • Cripes, the things I miss when I go to bed early.
  • No crutches, plz. They shoot horses with broken legs, doncha know?
  • Isn't it about time one of you dropped by Tokyo?
  • zing!
  • Gotta sing this during the meetup.
  • You misspelled "EVAR."
  • Moran.
  • can i has shoutout?
  • Hey, Stomper! Glad you're back.
  • Good luck with the 1/2 marathon, MCT!
  • Meetup was had, pancakes were eaten, and shoutouts were made. The Tools are genuinely lovely people and I really enjoyed chatting with them. They told me all about the wonderful Euro MoFites they've met, so that was fun for me. By the way, they called the baby "littleclasstool." I giggled way too much about that on the drive home.
  • well I'd like to take this opportunity to say "oh! Mickey's a girl...." and also to complain that no one makes shoutouts for me anymore... *cries*
  • I love how the Y-front becomes the nose in my shoutout! And what a great pciture of the three of you. Hawt!
  • We have a few more to post, but Mickey took the bulk of the pics. Race is done, calves are sore, came close to my LR time, and goddamn but I want a cheeseburger. Updates when we're back home.
  • I'm a little bit afraid to show #2 his shoutout... Glad you guys had fun. Are the Touring Tools to be travelling to see me next?
  • People. Y'all are very very pretty. But you've failed very much in your mission to shout me out. So I must applaud you. and then cry salty tears into my malted beershake
  • *dagger eyes*
  • p.s. I'm sure quidnunc will forgive you for his shoutout someday. Kiss-kiss!
  • They shouted me out, and I'm putting dozens of beers on Petebest's tab and snail-mailing them to monkeys worldwide. Bah.
  • I am NOT a girl. *cries* *takes dolly back*
  • Those unshouted-out should take comfort in the knowledge that our shoutouts were done under the influence of pancake syrup and bacon grease, and so we were not altogether in our right minds at the time. The plague of grease stains on the shoutout paper should indicate this. Mickey, you should know that we went back to the Pancake Pantry on Sunday before we left, and I got the Chocolate Sin. Holy. Shit. I am now diabetic. As for Mickey herself, a more charming and delightful monkey I have never had the pleasure to meet. We had a great time, easy conversation, and even got presents, yes, PRESENTS for Jack the Jetus, as you saw in the above photos. Being back in Nashville reminded me of everything I love and loathe about that city, and Mickey falls firmly in the former category. hillbillyswamp and I look forward to more lunches, next time we're in town. Our photos will be up tonight or tomorrow. Oh, and Koko gets a shoutout FIRST in MoFi history. Mua ha ha.
  • Wow I'd never realized MCT is John Smoltz! Huh. Must have been a charity marathon. Speaking on behalf of the PBC, we'd just like to say thank you very much for the shoutout, and we hope we passed the audition. But to be on the safe side, we've prepared this choreographed cheer to "Oh Mickey You're So Fine" by Toni Basil. Hit it, boys! *cheesy 80's drums*
  • Anyone who understands my shoutout is automatically promoted to rank of Junior Associate Best Friend 4-EVAR. MCTs been there for a while, but just hasn't had the gumption to go that extra thirteen miles and grab the promotion. And mct--I'm watching the roads.
  • Koko gets a shoutout FIRST in MoFi history Oboy! This is going to be awesome! I'm going to call my mom and make sure she watches out for it, for I am certain it won't be the least bit obscene or humiliating!
  • Wow I'd never realized MCT is John Smoltz! The coolest thing about Smoltz is that they play Darth Vader's theme when he goes out to the mound. I want that to be part of my job description. At any rate, it's better than my buddy's claim that I look like the drummer from Creed. Though while we're talking about professional athletes, if I may be permitted to brag, I came in a mere 15 minutes to the second behind NFL running back Eddie George, who described running a half marathon as harder than playing an NFL game. In other words, NFL stars are big girls and I could totally kick their asses. And mct--I'm watching the roads. It's okay, I found their weakness. I am certain it won't be the least bit obscene or humiliating! Buckle up, sister, it's mildly cool, and I think you'll like.
  • Wow I'd never realized MCT is John Smoltz. Heh. Koko: No, but perhaps a bit out of focus... It was indeed a lovely time, and many thanks to Mickey for LCT's new duds. (And to Rocket88 for the nickname.)
  • And Koko, I had nothing to do with their history-making shoutout. So there. Feel better now?
  • I'll be disappointed if it's not a little bit obscene or humiliating. Feel better now? No. Scrapping with Mickey makes my tummy hurt :(
  • awww ...
  • Thanky thanky, MoFi menage!
  • I lubs my shoutout! *wipes tear at the sight of lovely red blanket
  • Two photos of meetup + many photos of me looking like a dumbass + one shoutout with OBSCENE AND HUMILIATING CONNOTATION in the description can be found starting here.
  • Awesome found shoutout. I'm totally changing my username to Exit 52. GAS NEXT 2 MILES
  • Well that's some fine prancin' there MCT.
  • *starts blues guitar* The Mofi Blues I'm feelin' down and lonely. Carryin' a mighty heavy load. Oh lord I'm feelin' down and lonely. Carryin' a mighty heavy load. I won't never find redemption Til I walk on Koko Road. *big close*
  • Well, I was off by a week with that Nashville wedding that I am going to. It is actually this coming weekend. I will be arriving late Friday night. The wedding is sometime Saturday. I will be leaving in the morning on Sunday. If any Nashville folk (I'm looking at you, Mickey - and mct, of course) are zealous about doing it, then I will be happy to make the time.
  • Sorry, dude, I'd do it in a heartbeat but I've got doin's this weekend what can't be undone. I actually probably couldn't leave town in good conscience anyway as close as we are to baby time, but even if that weren't a factor, I've got stuff planned Fri/Sat night and have to be in town Sunday morning as well.
  • And now I see where your true allegiance lies. Wannabe.
  • bernockle, I am officially a zealous meeter-upper, and loyal as ever to the Monkeys, but I am leaving town Friday afternoon, and won't be back until Sunday night. I was so looking forward to meeting you, too! If you are ever in town again, let me know.
  • Bernockle is the new Fes.
  • Thanks much for the "creative" shout-out!
  • I'm about 90% certain the answer to this question is no, so I didn't want to start a new post just for this (not that the front page is really all that full lately): Anybody live in Memphis or planning to be there on Dec. 1st? I will be running my first EVAR full marathon there, and this will be your only chance to fondle my sweaty love handles and buy me a beer or six afterward. You can also mock my limping, so hey, there's that.
  • Why are you running a full marathon if you're limping? Don't go making an injury worse!
  • Why ask us? Why not go ask your new friends at metafilter, ass-nose?
  • Lara, I mean I will likely be limping afterward. bernockle, come here, you. Daddy needs lovin'.