April 19, 2007

Amazing cakes from Russia. Every bit of them is edible, too. Happy drooly Friday!
  • Shoot, it's not Friday yet. Dang it. Happy drooly Thursday then!
  • Well,, I'm not eating the candles; they give me the shits.
  • At a certain point after the bleached hair, spray-on tan, acrylic nails, eyelash extensions, breast implants, collagen injections, etc., sometimes you have to wonder if the woman can still rightfully be considered a homo-sapien. And these are the thoughts that this post has inspired.
  • amazing, even.
  • Fantastic!
  • Crazy, man!
  • Must. Have. Golden. Scorpion. Cake. I mean, seriously, this makes those Ace of Cakes fellers look like Neanderthals.
  • bernockle, I don't follow.
  • The cakes look so fake that they cease to even remotely resemble food.
  • The hamburger-cake: I want that one. NOW. What's with the obsession with dollar bills?
  • Now I'm gonna have that Kurt Weill song going through my head all night. Show us the way to the next little dollar. Oh, don't ask why. Oh, don't ask why. For we must find the next little dollar, For if we don't find the next little dollar, I tell you, we must die. I tell you, we must die. Oh, Mooooooooooon of Alabama, We noooooooow must say goodbye We've loooooooost our dear old Mama And must have dollars, oh, you know why....
  • DAMMIT TUM GET THAT SONG OUT OF MY BRAIN NOW We've loooooooost our dear old Mama...
  • I can't decide vezzer to go mit ze Ute Lemper accent of the full-on Lenya.
  • Now *I* have that song stuck in my head! Oh well, it's much better than Bing Crosby crooning "Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire," which was today's earlier suicide-inducing ditty.
  • I was glad I could still make out the words "Big Mac" and "Pepsi" in cyrillic.
  • Those are outrageously astonishing, fantastic cakes! wow! Seriously beautiful, intricate fondant sculpture there.
  • Hey, if I can't have false teeth, or a buncha dead fish on my birthday cake, can you make it a tire or a pair of used sneakers? I have a Singer sewing machine that looks just like that! Isn't someone going to do the 'In Russia, cake bakes YOU' meme? mmmmmmm, caaaaake
  • Fondant and gum paste and airbrushing, oh my...
  • I loved the gulag archipelago cake.
  • I think I might gag on the little piece of monofilament holding up the crane hook. That can't possibly be edible, can it? And some of the printed items look suspiciously paper-like, though I guess it could be on edible rice paper. (The candles and the bottle on the Jim Beam cake get a pass.) I think Zhanna must have had many chances to model her $100 bills on the real thing. Who can afford these creations, captains of industry and Russian gangsters? I'd like to see a cake in the shape of an empty serving platter, maybe with a few stray crumbs on it. You could set it out on the table, and then amaze your guests when you slice a big chunk out of it.
  • They look amazing - but I bet they don't taste all that fab. *gomi loathes marzipan*
  • What's with the obsession with dollar bills? A fine question, indeed.
  • I worked for a while in a building designed by I.M. Pei. We had a big party once with a cake shaped like the bulding. The outer coating was sheets of this hard, sugary stuff that I guess we could have eaten, but the guy cutting the cake just kind of yanked them off and served the soft cake inside.
  • P.S. I think I nominate this one as the best worst cake ever!
  • Kinda like when Marge baked a separate birthday cake especially for Homer to ruin.
  • I like this one. It looks like the decorative plastic diaper pins are holding the thing together.
  • We are still superior in lava cake technology.
  • Wow that's some . . volcano cake. 8 hours and 11 cake mixes later. whoo.