April 18, 2007
Hee. But my dentist told me I must fight plaque.
*qlapues for the plaques*
It looks like they've all turned up within a 3-block radius of my apartment. Nice find!
Pssst...you are lovely.
how nice.
When I was in college, someone was going around campus with a label-maker (the old-fashioned kind with the plastic tape and the dial) leaving surreal messages in random places. It was kind of awesome. At one point I was collecting the messages, but I started late, after some of them had been pulled down. I wonder if I still have that text file... Of course, at my partner's school, there were just the 'DO NOT LICK' stickers. Stuck to anything.
this I like.
Those are very nice! Hurray for anonymous nice people.
Ban them! Heh heh heh.
Not to worry, Pete. Everything will be ok. I read it on a sign.
Shades of geocaching. Neat.
I like! Makes me want to start a similar meme in London.
Like at all the 'Look Right' signs, you could have a tiny one that says 'Look Close'! Ha! OK, that's not clever at all, but it still amuses me.
I want to put one up that says: read the small print That is all.
You don't live in Sao Paolo, do you, jaypro? '-)
LOVE this.
If anyone puts one of these on one of MY ATMs, I'm gonna get the security video, track down the bastard, and put a tiny plaque on his bastard spleen.
And that placque will read "Ask Me About My Bastard Spleen."
How about TUM's spleen was vented here?
Freakin' AWESOME. And how much it's like the old Situationist graffiti! Also not unlike throwies. How might one go about inexpensively making little plaques like these, might I ask?