April 18, 2007

Little Public Plaques: who knows where they'll turn up?
  • Hee. But my dentist told me I must fight plaque.
  • *qlapues for the plaques*
  • It looks like they've all turned up within a 3-block radius of my apartment. Nice find!
  • Pssst...you are lovely.
  • how nice.
  • When I was in college, someone was going around campus with a label-maker (the old-fashioned kind with the plastic tape and the dial) leaving surreal messages in random places. It was kind of awesome. At one point I was collecting the messages, but I started late, after some of them had been pulled down. I wonder if I still have that text file... Of course, at my partner's school, there were just the 'DO NOT LICK' stickers. Stuck to anything.
  • Lovely.
  • this I like.
  • Those are very nice! Hurray for anonymous nice people.
  • Brilliant!
  • Ban them! Heh heh heh.
  • Not to worry, Pete. Everything will be ok. I read it on a sign.
  • Shades of geocaching. Neat.
  • I like! Makes me want to start a similar meme in London.
  • Like at all the 'Look Right' signs, you could have a tiny one that says 'Look Close'! Ha! OK, that's not clever at all, but it still amuses me.
  • I want to put one up that says: read the small print That is all.
  • You don't live in Sao Paolo, do you, jaypro? '-)
  • LOVE this.
  • If anyone puts one of these on one of MY ATMs, I'm gonna get the security video, track down the bastard, and put a tiny plaque on his bastard spleen.
  • And that placque will read "Ask Me About My Bastard Spleen."
  • How about TUM's spleen was vented here?
  • Freakin' AWESOME. And how much it's like the old Situationist graffiti! Also not unlike throwies. How might one go about inexpensively making little plaques like these, might I ask?