April 12, 2007

And now, a moment of levity for those of us bummed out about Vonnegut. No, there's nothing funny about it. Now stop laughing.
  • Thanks for the attempted distraction, Capt. It worked for a minute or so. Everyone who hears his story just kind of winces Indeed! *winces*
  • At that point, why not just have the damn thing removed? Seriously, I'd rather be Johnny One-Ball than have to deal with pain so bad I could barely walk.
  • What they don't tell you about the award is that it's $86K+change for the injury, and $700K for the tenuous sex.
  • I'm with MCT - I mean, WTF? I mean, it's not like it's an eye or a finger. Shall I Godwin the thread, or would someone else like to do the honors?
  • Monkeyfilter: I'd rather be Johnny One-Ball.
  • Johnny Ball?
  • Hmmm ... two testicles, "pain", and $786,760, or one testicle? Tough decision.
  • So his testicles hurt, what's the big problem? *looks around, heads for door
  • Y'know who had one testicle? Stalin. Wait, that doesn't sound right
  • don't worry GramMa I'm going to take the world's smallest violin and smash it into his other testicle!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! /hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaha *flees*
  • *sings* Suddenly, I'm not half the man I used to be, When the weight-machine fell over me, Yes, I remember virility.
  • Ouch. Ouch ouch OUCH. Monkeyfilter: it's not like it's an eye or a finger
  • I guess he was allowed to take his oath on a bible or some such document. Lucky for him they switched the rules on testifying.
  • Uh, wouldn't that be a moment of gravity?
  • What are the odds it would happen at the YWCA?
  • Yeah, why was HE at the yWca? And ouch. -wince-