April 12, 2007

Birds of War. An exhibition to mark the fourth anniversary of the Iraq invasion. Also, a photo essay (flash, sound) on Iraq four years on.
  • Wow! VERY powerful stuff. I highly recommend the Tanya Tier set for starts--her work says SO much with great economy of scale. Loved the two-sided portrait concept. Everyone should see this work. This so-called "war"--really an occupation--is so wrong on so many levels, especially in its negative impact on the very people we were told it would help. BTW, has anyone noticed that Republicans will knock themselves out to "protect" brain dead and unborn individuals--never mind those stem cells--while hundreds of thousands of unarmed Iraqi civilians have been wiped out with no apparent remorse from the same persons? Apparently the "right to life" only applies if you're American.
  • kinnakeet, the right to life does not even apply that broadly. don't forget that a pregnant woman is never as important as the baby she is carrying and white people are better. especially rich white men.
  • So true, Medusa. In the end, it's all about control, and about money.