April 12, 2007

Nickelback Recycles Why write new songs when you can just keep re-releasing the same one? WARNING: Flash and audio (kind of the point of the post, but just sayin'...) via.
  • Heheh... this is like the Row Row Row Your Boat of the 21st century.
  • NPR did a story on this. Pretty funny. *hangs head in shame on learning nationality of Nickelback*
  • I'm willing to forgive them because 'If Everyone Cared'[youtoobs] was fucking amazing.
  • *hangs head in shame at fact that Nickelback made it to Canada's Walk of Fame before the Rheostatics*
  • I have held to an irrational dislike of Nickleback for several years soley because the HR director of a company I once worked for put "Nickleback Concert" on her Outlook calendar for a particular Wednesday evening. Nothing so wrong in that, except that this ditz did not understand how to keep private calendar items private, and also included on her calendar, viewable by one and all within the company, things like upcoming meetings in which a named employee would be terminated, gossip lunch meetings with the gals, and finally the ultimate - a consultation with a boob job plastic surgeon. So, I have since believed that while you don't have to be an idiot to like Nickleback, it helps.
  • If she's an idiot, and I had an ass implant, then what am I?
  • That's just disturbing. Has either of those songs been transposed or had the tempo changed, or did Nickleback seriously release two singles in the same key with the exact same chords in almost the exact same sequence and timing?
  • (thinking how fun it would be to get a bunch of other people at a Nickelback concert to sing along, but using the other song)
  • I've always felt that Nickelback had released several song titles, but only one actual song. I'm pleased to be vindicated. Nickelback should be used as the prime justification for the repeal of CanCon requirements on the radio.
  • Well, the well-guarded secret of rock music is that every song uses the same four chords (shhhhhh! - rriiiiiiighhht) but Nickelback, like a lot of bands, had a good and successful sound and they were likely "encouraged" to keep that sound for subsequent albums. I thought their second album sounded just like the first. It's not unusual, and I don't see the "controversy". The "I think it's fraud" thing is ridiculous. The thing about bands like Nickelback is that the growly, microphone-chewing vocals and face-punching guitars sort of take over and color everything they do. AC/DC can do it. But they're exceptional. And old skewl. Nickelback is just cheating, musically.
  • Comparing AC/DC to Nickelback? Pete, you're going straight to hell when you die
  • It was in the radio interview linked above. : P The bass player said basically "so what if we sound the same, so does AC/DC and other great bands" or something to that effect. The comment indicates he may be on drugs, though.
  • I've never really liked Nickleback because the lead singer has said too many yucky things about women (whom he always equates to "groupies") in several interviews. Not the kind of guy I'd like any of my friends or relatives to meet. I know that most rawk stars are probably the same way, but at least they have the sense to be less overt about it.
  • The only reason that Nickelback is so popular is because country music is the most popular music in the world. I saw them once at the Sumas Mountain Happenin at the time they broke and they announced their contract. The AC/DC cover band was better. Yeehaw.
  • Wait - what?
  • And I always thought that Nickelback were popular as a result of the (ahem) discriminating taste of the North American consumer. Now I learn that it's because all the listeners of country music somehow were (fooled? deluded? blackmailed? drunk? drugged?) into picking up their non-country rubbish.
  • It's a gateway music.
  • I've been listening to these two songs in tandem for the past 2 years now. Individually they're pretty blah, but I kinda like the schizoid quality of the two together. Plus I use it for checking if my speakers are working, or if the volume on one side is too loud.