March 25, 2007
Pancake Art
Delicious and enlightening.
Pancake Art: Delicious and enlightening. Until you eat it, the it's fattening. Wonderful post, but I must go eat a carrot and crave syrup.
scrambled eggs on toast this am myself, but there will always be a special place in my heart for pancakes :D
"n" sticks.
N ot from the syrup, I swear. -
McDonalds should make Breakfast Stackers-pancakes sandwiched with syrup or fruit. mmmmm.
Pancakes are addictive.
Pallas Athena No wonder. First responder is a crotch provider. You are nose bleeder. Excuse me if I don't care, fluids don't turn me on.
Regarding Kro-Bar's comment above: Huh? Regarding pancake art. Someone's just gotta do one with Jebus and sell it on the internets.
squidranch Regarding Kro-Bar's comment above: Huh? I'm sorry, but needles take me to a nightmare. I'm sorry if I didn't make sense.
> Someone's just gotta do one with Jebus and sell it on the internets. Couple Claims Jesus Appeared On Pancake Breakfast With Jesus By Mr Breakfast Jesus Pan Review of Jesus pan at Gizmodo
I want a Groucho pan.
Groucho the Father, Chico the Son, and Harpo the Holy Ghost.
where's the french toast love?!
Ich bin ein Berliner.
Jetzt, habe ich Hunger!
The legend stems from a play on words with Berliner, the name of a doughnut variant filled with jam or plum sauce that is thought to have originated in Berlin, although it was not known under that name in Berlin or nearby parts of Germany at that time, where it was called Pfannkuchen (pancake). In fact, the statement is grammatically correct and cannot be misunderstood in that context. The urban legend is not widely known in Germany, where Kennedy's speech is considered a landmark in the country's postwar history. The indefinite article is omitted generally when speaking of an individual's profession or residence (ex: "Er ist Soldat" for "He is a soldier") but including it is merely redundant, not ambiguous. The urban legend part still gets me a little huffy, as I find it repeated mostly by Dittoheads and likeminded folk. Thanks for the link Vin. *huff*
W isfor the many Ways that you're served. A is for the Admiration you deserve. F is 'cause you're Fluffy and Flaky and Fun, and F is for the Flavor that is second to none! L is for how Light you are; you melt in my mouth, and E is for Eggs. Oh, baby, put the all togeteher with a how-do-you-do, Lovely WAFFLES, we love you!
I stole the Wikipedia link from here. I want to know where the pancakes with naughty shapes are. Didn't see them in that Flickr pool. What do you like on your pancakes? I like real maple syrup, the darker stuff rather than the Grade A light. Some people prefer what some call golden syrup. Powdered sugar is good on Swedish pancakes.
I'm a cheap pancake date. I like any of the following in no particular order: syrup, honey, jam, cinnamon butter confectioner's sugar . . .
I have two words for all of you: FRENCH. TOAST.
yet more evidence that TUM & I are spiritual twins: if Waffles Anonymous existed, I'd have to somebody pass the butter!
Mmmm, waffle-and-PB-and-J sammiches...
Wait, who's J again?
yes the holy waffle & peanut butter alliance is divine!!
Gotta be real maple syrup. I don't know about you southern corn-syrup-swilling weirdos.
I thought my husband was the only weirdo that defaced his waffle with peanut butter. Peanut butter demands bread!
And bananas! And Marshmallow Fluff!
Peanut butter insists evolution is hooey. We'll have no Fluffernutters here!